huh yunjin › seoul city (pt. two)

Start from the beginning

You headed towards everyone else after loading your stuff up onto the ship that would be taking you to Seoul.

"Yoorim... Ms. Kim..." You were leaning down to bow, until the two women threw themselves onto you, engulfing you in a hug. You giggled and held them tight, not wanting to leave them just yet.

"We're gonna miss you, Y/N, but I know that you'll be a damn good avatar. And that's why we're giving you the necklace and this ring." Ms. Kim spoke softly as she grabbed your hand, placed a ring in it, and then wrapped your fingers around it tightly.

"The ring is special. Yoorim and I made it. While wearing it, or just having it on your person, it will protect you from bad spirits. When the time comes, it can be used for greater things, but let's hope nothing like that happens! You'll know how to use it when the time comes. Don't lose it." Ms. Kim flashed you a wide smile.

Yoorim spoke up. "As for the necklace, be careful with it. It's filled with spirit water, but there's not that much, seeing as it's rare; even that small amount was hard to obtain. It can heal any wounds you may receive on your journey. Just please be careful, eomma and I won't be there to take care of you and your recklessness!"

"Yah!" You gave her a playful glare, before your face softened at the sight of the two tearing up. "Yah, don't cry, Unnie, Ajumma. I'll visit you guys sometime soon, I promise." You said as you gave both of them a kiss on the forehead and one last hug.

Now, for the hard part. Saying goodbye to your parents.

"Eomma, appa..." You rushed forward and pulled them both into a tight hug, letting your tears fall freely onto their traditional water tribe attire. Everyone, especially Jangmi and Minho, felt sympathy for you, but they knew that this is what you wanted to do to complete your training.

"I'm gonna miss you guys, so, so much." You whispered.

"And we'll miss you even more, daughter." Your mother responded quietly.

Your father rubbed your head. "We'll wish you a safe journey from here. We believe in you. We know that you'll save the world when it needs saving." He said with a warm smile, though you noticed the small tears building up in his eyes.

Eventually, they pulled away. They then revealed a small box, handing it to you afterwards.

"What's this?"

"It's just a small going away gift from your father and I. Don't open it until you get to Seoul. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Thank you, eomma and appa."

"Always remember that we love you."

"I love you too."

Those were your final words, before you hopped on Oona and made your way onto the ship that would carry you to Seoul, looking over your shoulder to wave goodbye. Jangmi and her family, minus Ye-in, mounted Yena's back and prepared to take off after the ship.

Oona's paws padded along the floors of the ship, looking for a comfy place to lie down, an overly enthusiastic Ye-in skipping behind you.

"So, Unnie, what's your favorite element to bend?" She asked as you all settled down.

"Uh, I guess I'd choose water. I love making rain when I'm bored! What about you? What do you do when you're bored?"

"Uhm... Well, I-I'm not really allowed to go many places. Y'know, being one of the few airbenders alive, it's kind of... hard."

"Well then, what do you say we go and watch a pro bending match when we get to Seoul?" You suggested, nudging her arm with your elbow. You knew that it probably wasn't a good idea to sneak out, but you started to feel bad for her. What's the harm?

Ye-in say in thought for a moment. I mean, what can go wrong? She's only heard some of the matches through the radio at the temple, but she's always loved the way pro benders fight and give it their all, in front of so many people. She found it fascinating. if it weren't for her parents' rules, she would have signed up for pro bending a long time ago, for the thrill.

"Okay. Let's... Let's do it!"

You and Ye-in high fived and then laid back, resting your bodies against Oona, who was curled up behind you. Over the course of the next few hours, you got to know a lot about each other, until you eventually got sleepy.

"Let's sleep until we get to the temple."

"Okay. Sleep well, Unnie."

"You too, Ye-in."

And with that, the two of you fell asleep for the rest of the ride.


QOTD: If you were an airbender, would you rather use a glider, or ride on a flying bison? 🤔
AOTD: both, obviously, they both seem fun, plus FBs are so cute 😭

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