A Bullet For Two

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Yu's POV:

The air is cool. Spacious. Dark.

I swallow hard, trying to blink the blackness away, but to no prevail. Moving doesn't help my aid, either. My hand is handcuffed to something I can't quite make out behind me. But it's heavy enough to restrict my movement.

I yelp as the metal twists into my skin. I shuffle backwards to ease the pain, panting.

"Yosuke?" I cough as soon as I have the chance. I cough some more, feeling the ache in my chest grow.

"I'm here," he echos back.

Now I know for certain that we're no longer in the bar. I don't know where we are exactly, but it's wide, definitely. Empty space.

"Are you alright?" I splutter, listening to the sound of my chains rattle as I breathe.

"I... think so," he mutters.

"Shin?" I say.

"Yu?" He asks cautiously. "Is... is that you?"

"Yeah," I groan. "Are you okay?"

"I can't see."

"I know."

"None of us can," Yosuke scoffs.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"I don't know," he replies.

"Is it just us three?" I say slowly.

"Seems like it."

...Miura can't be serious.

"Okay... Can either of you move?"

I wait for their response, afraid of something that might appear before me in the darkness.

"No," Shin grunts. "I think I'm tied up."

"...Shit, same," Yosuke murmurs. "Yu, is everything okay on your end? You're not hurt, are you?"

"I have... one free hand," I shrug. "Though I doubt that counts for much. Just... Try to stay calm, alright?"

"What the hell even happened?" Shin interrupts.

"He... said something to me," Yosuke says quietly. "And I knew... I knew he was planning for this. I knew he was planning something big."

"This... is hardly big, right?" I exhale.

"We can't see," Shin scoffs. "We're tied up, and we have no idea where we are. How the hell is that 'hardly big', huh?"

"I'm sorry, okay?" I mutter. "Can either of you guys use your Personas?"

"Our hands are tied," Yosuke sighs.

"Shit. I forgot..."

"You can," Shin says. "Can't you?"

I try to wriggle my right hand into my left pocket. It takes way too much out of me, honestly. The groaning is pathetic.

"You don't need that." A figure walks past me between the shadows and takes my Arcana from me.

"What the fuck?" I whisper.

Yosuke has obviously noticed, too. "Giichi?" He calls, rocking the chair back and forth. "Giichi, please stop."

"Put the damn lights on," Shin snaps.

"What're you doing?" I demand.

He causes a harsh air to form as he glides past me again. He's hardly even a silhouette.

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