Chapter Thirty-Nine.

Start from the beginning

Harry, I don't like you, but I know Alaine loves you. I have hurt her, in the way I can never forgive myself. But I know you can protect her, you are the reason why she will be happy in the future. Promise me you'll stay with her, don't leave her ever again, don't hurt her. Promise.

I promise.

Would not even trying to make a future with her, now that she is going to have a baby of someone else be considered abandoning her? In the end, that baby is part of Alaine, it has Alaines genes, she will carry that baby for nine months with the love and care she would give me, or any child that she will have to bear in the future. It is not simply her fault she is going to have someone else's baby, it's a natural thing.

If Alaine can look past my mistakes, why cant I look past hers? Why have I been around London without a word to her and Lou when the answer has been staring me right in the face? There is no doubt about it that Alaine is my one and only! What more do I have to go through as proof that I simply cant live without her. She is mine, she will always be mine, now and forever. Anything before that was my fault or nature, naturally like myself, she would want to fill the void that I left her with, and I left her with a pretty deep void. I know my wrongs, at least she stayed devoted to me when she knew she had to.

She had liberty, she knew that, I knew that. I know that. I get up from the bed and grab my cell phone and run down to the lobby to check out and pay what I need to pay. The walk all the way to my flat was the exercise I needed, especially because I felt drowsy. Arriving I jumped into the shower and changed into fresh clothing, I let my moppy set of curls come down and made black coffee to go. I just needed to know if Alaine was home from her appointment. I texted Lou.

Are you and Alaine back from the doctors?

Yeah, we just got to her flat.

thanks lou, don't tell her a thing.

so long as you don't give her a heart attack :)

I hopped into my car and rushed to her flat, I don't need anymore time. I knew exactly what I wanted. I arrived to her flat and made my way to the elevator. A couple of girls spotted me but I just smiled and waved as I made it to elevator on time. When I arrived to the ninth floor I rushed to the door and rung the doorbell.

"Hello Harry, come right in." Lou said, letting me in.

I saw Alaine immediately turn around as I walked in. She was sitting on the couch with tea in her hand. She set it down on the glass table and go up, smoothing out her simple pink dress that fell on her curves so beautifully. Focus Harry, remember what you came here to say.


"Don't say anything. Alaine it's me who should be doing all the talking. I know what I have done in the past has put you through stress, pain, and remorse. I know you love me, I know that now. Whatever happened when I decided to let you go is not your fault. You had every right to move on with your life and forget about me. You have this choice again, I am so sorry I left you a week ago. I've been around town unsure of how I felt about this but in reality what is there to feel? The one who should be feeling is you."

"What do you mean Harry?" she said, coming closer to me. The light hit her eyes delicately, giving her small face an angeletic glow. I could already smell her peppermint scent fill my mind. I loved the way she smelled.

"What I am trying to say is that I have no more thinking to do. From the very first day that I met you, I knew you were special. But what I knew when I got to know you was that you were the one for me. I have never, nor will I ever love anyone the way I love you. There is no thinking about this, whether you're alone or with a baby that is not mine that doesn't change anything about the way I feel about you."

"Oh Harry, please don't say that. I have failed you..." she said tearfully.

"No, Alaine, don't say that." I cupped her face in my hands and I brought her forehead to my lips. I hated to see her cry, I no longer wanted her to cry. " It was me who messed up, don't blame yourself. I am here now and I have no plans on leaving you. I want to stay with you as long as you let me, you are everything to me."

"But Harry I'm keeping the baby, I'm not going to give it up, this is not your responsibility at all."

"I don't care Alaine, its either I take you as you are, or not at all. I'd rather take you with the baby any day than to not have you in my life. I know that this baby isn't mine, but it doesn't change the fact that its part of you. And whatever part that may be, I will love it like I love you."

"Are you telling me the truth Harry? You're willing to take in my baby as your own?" she said, squinting her eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, it doesn't change anything. I want this baby as much as I want you." I smile at her. She smiles back at me and wraps her small arms around my waist, I take her all in without hesitation. She is all I ever wanted. And now, she is all I ever wanted and more.

"I'm going to be an uncle, oh my gosh!" Lou said behind me. I saw Eleanor was on the island with him and Rose and Niall accompanied them.

"Congrats Harry, you're going to be a dad. I could almost see the grey hairs coming in." Eleanor said, winking at me with a thumbs up. I chuckled.

"Congrats to the new couple! And the awaiting little miracle!" Rose said, cheering. I looked at Alaine, who was smiling at everyone while she held her stomach which wasn't even showing, but I'm sure she feels as if that baby is more real than life itself.

"Wait, I have yet another surprise for you all." I say, remembering the second reason why I wanted to come here. Everyone looked at me, even Alaine who seemed very shocked.

I got down on one knee and opened my palm towards her, I didn't buy her anything extravagant, I had no time for that! But I will get her something soon, but I suppose it needs to be meaningful rather than ostentatious. She gasps and raises her hands to cover her mouth, her eyes go wide and I could have swore I was swooped up to heaven. She looked even beautiful when she was like this.

"Alaine, would you marry me?" I say, pretending to open an invisible box. "I dont have the real thing right now, but I promise you I will soon enough." I smiled as big as I could, my words hung there in suspended air and I could hear my heart pounding against my chest.

"Yes Harry!" she said, smiling cheekily at me.

Those words filled my heart with more joy than any others would have in a lifetime.


Author's Note:

FINALE. That is the ending of my book Save You Tonight! Hope you all have had a wonderful expierence with me & Alaine's story throughout the past 8 months of wrtiting, Thank you all for your support! You're positive feedback and appreciation was more than enough, special thanks to my cousins Winifred & Liz who encouraged me to write my story & never left my side when it came to my creativity. I love you gals. & Rose, for being the first friend who ever showed me kindness after some rude expierences which discouraged me to continue my work. I hope you all have come to love Alaine & Harry's story as much as I have. Thank you & comment away with final thoughts!

until we meet again! x

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