Spencer Reid x Winchester Reader

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Oc/Reader is the Younger sister to Sam and Dean Winchester. (Supernatural creatures don't exist)

Oc/Reader joins the BAU.

Reader/Oc Spencer Date.

Her backstory Is her older Brothers Dean and Sam are delusional Serial killers who think they are supernatural hunters and that they are fighting god.

Dean and Sam trained Reader/Oc from a very young age. Teaching her how to kill "supernatural creatures"

Dean and Sam taught her Hand to Hand combat.

Dean taught her how to Shoot most firearms and she learned how to shoot with either hand with the same level of dexterity and accuracy.

Dean taught her how to fight with blades, mostly Knives and swords.

Dean taught her all about mechanics

Sam taught her reading, speaking and memorizes texts and speaking and understanding foreign languages.

Sam taught her how to be perceptive to body language and she can easily pick up on unconscious gestures to read their body language.

Sam taught her lock picking, computer hacking, and carjacking.

Dean and Sam trained her in Torture techniques and Even tortured her to make she wouldn't break. She has an extremely high pain tolerance from all the torture they put her through.

She thought her brothers were right and supernatural creatures exists

Beacuse she only knew her brothers and she never left their hideout.

But after she saw them torture and kill a person. Who they said was a vampire she knows they are crazy.

She let's the person go but her brothers catch them.

After years ago suffering from the training her brothers put her through she manages to escape using all they taught her to do it.

(something like that)

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