Bnha x Slugterra

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His name is Eli Shane. (from Slugterra, only the Shane's exist no other characters exist . And ghouls don't exist )

He is in the same age range as Class 1A.

His quirk is Slugterra. The quirk is passed down from father to son.

The Shane's are the only people who can see and interact with the slugs.

The only time people can see them are when they are that slugs slinger. So wild slugs can't bee seen.

Slugs are all over the country. Slugs can only be in the same country as the Shane's.

Slugs are one species, but consist of many different breeds. Eli has all breeds and he has names for every one of his slugs.

With the quirk being in the Shane's family for generations.

The first Shane's had to figure out how their quirk worked and why only he could see the slugs.

They kept their quirk a secret. Only the Shane's knew about slugs.

After years he found out that when slugs go 100 miles per hour.

At first the Shane's used slingshots to fire slugs. But as the years went on they made blasters.

They also made mechas to ride.

Eli Shane grew up with slugs. He treats them as his family. He was the second shane to give his slugs names. His father was the first but he only named one slug. Burpy

When his father died he became the slinger for Burpy.

Eli has his own mecha that he calls lucky.

After upgrading it can do (all the things Eli's mecha does in the show)

Eli has all the types of slugs. Even the elementals who were supposed to be legends.

But he found them when he was training before UA.

Eli makes the Double blaster. That let's him shot two slugs at once.

So the slugs combine their powers. But only certain slugs can be fired together.

If he mismatched them it can cause his Slugs to be exhausted.

Eli Also discovered that experienced slugs can Megamorph when fired at 200 miles per hour.

The slugs have to be experienced otherwise they will crash from the speed.

A slugs appearance changes slightly. And once they become megamorph they transformation is permanent.

Slugs that megamorph stay in their megamorph form even when shot at normal speedsSlugs that megamorph stay in their megamorph form even when shot at normal speeds.

Slugs also have their own native tongue, which appears to be as complicated as any humanoid language.

Eli can understand his slugs after bonding with them. He understands them by their body language.

The girls of Class 1A have crushes on him.

Eli's Slugs

Burpy the Infurnus

Joules the Tazerling

Doc the Boon Doc and Energy Elemental

Banger the Armashelt

Digger the Crystalyd

Spooker the Frightgeist

Chiller the Frost Crawler

Sparky the Grenuke

Buzzsaw the Thresher

Rookie the Blastipede

Torch the Forge Smelter

Mo the Enigmo

Maggs the Slicksilver

Urchin the Sand Angler

Spinner the Arachnet

Charger the Fandango

Suds the Bubbaleone

Mucky the Dirt Urchin

Bolo the Polero

Dazzer the Hypnogriff

Bugsy the Hoverbug

Rex the Diggrix

Stunts the Speed Stinger

Dozer the Slyrein

Joker the Gazzer

Burner the Lavalynx

Tangles the Vinedrill

Goober the Jellyish

Larry the Lariat

Rocky the Hoprock

Beeker the Aquabeek

Glimmer the Phospro

Noodle the Flopper

Red storm the Tornato

Blugen The Rammstone

Geo the Geoshard

Outage The Xmitter

Flame the Flaringo

Whiff the flatulorhinkus

Yang the Negashade

Jaws the Makobreaker

Tricks The Thugglet

Hex the Hexlet

Toxic the Neotox

Blaze the Fire Elemental (you can choose different)

Poseidon The Water Elemental (you can choose different)

Aeolus The Air Elemental ( you can choose different)

Terra The Earth Elemental (you can choose different)

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