Bnha x Poison Ivy Reader

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Oc/ reader is female. Her skin colour is green. And her hair is red.

Her quirk is Plant Control that make her touch deadly and allowed her to boost her immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This immunity also includes quirks that use poisons and lethal chemicals.

She is  able to seduce men and women alike, often using pheromones to do so

She specializes in hybrids and can create the most potently powerful toxins in the world .

Often these toxins are secreted from her lips and administered via a kiss.

They come in a number of varieties, from mind-controlling drugs to instantly fatal narcotics.

she can control plants with her mind, create them from plant matter of any size, mutate them into plant creatures and monsters that she can control with her mind, and have a psychic and empathic link to them.

She can generate mutated plant chemicals and spores from her plants or her body, which can modify plant traits, be used to attack people, and also control the minds of humans.

This mind control is sometimes being caused by fungus-like plants being generated by the plant chemicals and spores reacting to organic matter, or the mutated plant matter growing on or inside a victim of her mind control.

For example,  she is able to manipulate and animate plants, using roots to form supports for a tunnel

She is a seductive temptress who is fully aware of her beauty and will use it to get what she wants, aided by the pheromones her unique biology provides for her.

She feels it's her duty to protect "The Green" although her methods are often destructive and cause a great deal of pain and death to people around her.

she has no qualms about killing people (besides Children) if she thinks they deserve it, and rarely shows genuine affection for anyone aside from her beloved plants, (Children or loved ones) whom she treats like her own children.

She has a particular hatred for men due to her traumatic past, and sees them as sexist pigs whom she can manipulate before tossing them aside once they've outlived their usefulness.

She also has a hatred for child abusers.

She is a vigilante. But after being caught and arrested, Nezu offers her a deal she can try out for the UA exams and if she passes, he will get all charges dropped and her record cleaned. But she has to become a hero and she can't kill unless it is the last possible option.

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