"What is he doing?" Penny asked the pair. 

"I-I don't know." Will stuttered. 

"I think he's trying to fly the ship." (y/n) muttered, unsure of the robot's actions.

"That ship's broken. You can't fly it. Where are you trying to go?" 

Robot let go of the controls. "Help. Friend." 

"I want to help him too, but we can't right now. You have to take the Resolute to Alpha Centauri, like I told them you would."

"No. Help. Friend. Will Robinson, (y/n) (l/n)."

The girl seemed to have understood what the robot was telling them and nodded. "Okay, we'll help Scarecrow but we're going to need to get a Jupiter." Robot nodded and went to pick up Scarecrow. 

"(y/n), what are you doing?" Will asked her in confusion, to which the girl responded by putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Will, robot's our friend. What kind of friend doesn't help the other when they need it."

The boy's gaze drifted towards the floor and he broke into a guilty face. "You're right, you're both right." (y/n) had dropped her hands and looked at Penny in confusion. "He is different."

"No, Will. I didn't mean it like that." Penny denied, shaking her head.

"No. All this time, I've been trying to pretend he's still the same. But he's not."

"Will." The redhead trailed off.

"And maybe that's okay. I'm not the same as when we met up in that tree, neither are you (y/n). Why should he be any different? We're connected, we're growing up." 

(y/n) smiled at the boy and intertwined her fingers with his, squeezing his hand to show that she was proud. Their sweet moment was interrupted when voices emitted from the hallway.

"Someone's coming. What do we do?" Penny whispered, as the three looked towards robot and Scarecrow.

"We have to hide them." Will stated. 

"Hide them? We can't hide two giant robots. Where are we gonna fit two giant robots, and I have an idea."  

"I don't like that look on your face Penny." (y/n) mumbled to the other girl, only getting a smile in return. 


The garbage disposals. That was Penny's idea.

She even took their devices and smashed them with a pole, throwing it across the trash filled room. "Okay. There. Now no one can track us by our radios."

"We also have no way to contact anyone." Will stated in disbelief. "Not Judy or mom and dad."

"But we can contact them another way. We need to hide right now. We're like fugitives." 

"We're not fugitives. We're helping our friend." Will smiled up at the robot.

"Will, we're hiding in trash so we don't get arrested. It doesn't really get more fugitivey than that." 

Will looked at (y/n) to which the girl shrugged. "She's right, their probably gonna make an announcement as well."

The boy sighed, shaking his head. "Okay robot. If we're going to help Scarecrow, you need to tell us how. Where are we supposed to go?" 

Robot leaned down to grab Wil hand, using his fingers to trace along the symbols on his arm. "These symbols. I've seen these before." 

"Where?" (y/n) asked.

"On the water planet." Penny told her. 

"The pictures mom took in the trench. They match, so we need to take Scarecrow to the water planet?"

The robot made no reaction, only walking towards Scarecrow. He lifted the other robot's arm and pointed at his symbols.

"All his markings are different." Penny pointed out.

"I don't understand." 

(y/n) took a closer look. "If your markings are from the water planet, does that mean Scarecrow's markings are too?"

The robot nodded his head and started drawing on the dirty walls. 

"Oh Pictionary, okay. It's a table, it's a tractor, it's a throne, it's a ski jump-" 

"It's a horse." Will said, making Penny look at the picture twice.

"Oh, it is a horse. But what does a horse have anything to do with saving the, um." Penny's eyes slowly widened. "No no no. I don't care how sick this thing is Will, I'm not feeding it a horse."

"The Amber planet. You want us, to take Scarecrow to the ring on the Amber planet." Robot raised his hands in excitement as Will followed his action. "Yeah!" 

Penny small smiled at the two while (y/n) tried not to laugh at their behavior. But this excitement didn't last long as the PA system was turned on. 

"Attention colonist. This is Ben Adler, director of advanced systems onboard the resolute. This message is to alert you to the actions one of your fellow colonists, Will Robinson."

"Called it." 


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