"You have three seconds to say you are unwell and can not have sex with me or you do not wish to. Otherwise, I am taking your silence as affirmation that you are well and that you would like to move forward. If it is the latter, I will not allow you to be late to this dick appointment. I think we both have waited long enough."

I can't help but giggle softly at that last bit. Leave him to try to break the tension by making me smile. It's one of the many things I love about him. I otherwise bite my tongue and a triumphant grin spreads across his face. I open my mouth once the three seconds are up to see if he would like to proceed to the bedroom but Eddie swoops down and throws me over his shoulder. I squeak softly, still conscious of the noise I make so as not to wake the baby. Eddie jogs down the hallway as I bob haphazardously on his shoulder. I cling to his shirt and silently pray he doesn't drop me as he moves into our bedroom and closes the door behind us. His arm comes up to cradle my back as he flops me down onto the bed and I sprawl awkwardly against the mattress, momentarily dazed.

"You know I would have come willingly, right?" I ask, moving to sit up on my elbows, my calves dangling over the edge of the bed. I place the baby monitor quickly on the nightstand so we can still hear if Orion needs us.

"Yea, but where's the fun in that?" Eddie shrugs. His eyes rack over my body and his gaze melts as he takes in the curves and shapes of my form. I'm in a pair of sweats and one of his t-shirts, but when he looks at me like that, you would think I'm draped in gold and primly polished. As it is, I haven't showered since the day before yesterday and my hair is in a tangled mess. Eddie has never cared. I could roll around in some mud and show up with crude stuck in my teeth and he'd still want to make out.

"Can I touch your boobs?" He asks, his hands halting on the hem of my shirt. He had been lifting it over my stomach and stopped just before he could reveal my chest. My breasts have been extremely sensitive since starting my breastfeeding journey. They have since gotten a lot better since we have partnered with a lactation consultant, but in the beginning, Eddie found me crying in the bathroom a lot. There is also the matter of, every time Eddie has tried to touch my breast either in playfulness or trying to help me apply balm to my swollen nipples, I leak milk everywhere. The man does something to me.

"I wouldn't touch them just in case," I warn, not wanting to leak all over him the first time we have sex again. I just fed Orion, but Eddie always seems to have a weird effect on me.

Eddie pouts a little but nods nonetheless. He lifts my shirt fully to rest below my chin so he can at least gaze down at my chest and his sour expression softens.

"I didn't think I could love your boobs anymore than I already had, but goddamn." He sighs, his cheeks flush with color and his eyes almost fully dilating. He looks like a beast of prey staring hungrily down at me, ready to pounce. He cups underneath my breasts, his palms caressing my ribs and he slowly drags his hands downward. My skin prickles with heat and anticipation as I feel his caress not only in where he is physically touching me, but throughout my entire body. Eddie gets to the hem of my pants and his fingers curl into the waistband. I arch upward helpfully, angling my hips and he yanks my pants clean off of me.

Since we have been staying home a lot lately I hadn't bothered with panties or a bra and Eddie's face breaks into a wicked grin as he tosses my sweats over his shoulder. They land with a soft thud on the ground behind him. He pulls his shirt up and off his head before he rejoins me on the bed. Eddie angles his body to hover over mine, his chest radiating heat and making me shudder below him. His necklace dangles between us and the guitar pick tickles my collar bone as Eddie gathers my arms and entraps them above my head. He brings one of his jean clad knees up and pushes it firmly against where I am burning with desire for him. The rough fabric is a shocking contrast to my soft and sensitive skin and I gasp loudly just before Eddie's lips capture mine.

Believe It Or Not (An Eddie Munson Story)Where stories live. Discover now