"Wow, fucking hell," Austin chuckled, as his eyes prowled up and down my and Ava's body to an uncomfortable degree.

Ava clearly confused, gave Austin an odd look before shuffling closer to me and nudging my shoulder. "Er...who is this child? And why is he staring at us?" she whispered under her breath.

Before I could answer, Austin cleared his throat and met us back with a smirk. "The name is Austin. Or as I'm about to be known– the guy you two sexy women are about to have a threesome with," he suggested with a wink.

I nearly choked, as I came to the horrifying realization that this literal ten-year-old was literally trying to initiate sex with us and even more disturbingly seemed to know what a threesome was.

Ava clutched my arm. "Phoebe, I'm scared," Ava whispered, while still staring forward at Austin warily.

Behind Austin's head, I caught sight of feet rapidly jogging their way down the stairs, and soon enough Leon's face appeared in view. Oh, thank fuck.

Leon's eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of his brother at the door, and like that he rushed the rest of the way down the stairs in two long steps.

"Austin, what the hell are you doing? I told you not to answer the door," Leon stammered out as he finally joined his little brother by the entrance of the door.

Austin merely shrugged. "Well, I didn't care. And besides, what do you expect me to do, sit on my ass when two hot girls are standing on our doorstep, ready to be seduced into my bed," he scoffed.

What in the actual....

Leon threw his head back in pain, looking seconds away from breaking into tears. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he threw Austin a helpless look.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you can't flirt with older girls! Never mind have sex with them! You're literally ten!"

Austin frowned. "Don't use my age against me. Fuck you!"

Somehow my eyes managed to widen even further.

Leon's eyes flashed with fury and he swiftly grabbed his brother by the collar and pushed him towards the direction of the stairs. "Okay, I'm absolutely done with you. Go to your room!" Leon snapped, sounding genuinely pissed this time.

Austin let out a childish growl before finally turning around and storming up the stairs while muttering something about how he was sick of people cock blocking him.

Once he'd disappeared out of view, silence filled the air, and Leon slowly turned back to face us with what could only be described as a look of utter humiliation. Rubbing the back of his neck gingerly, his eyes briefly met Ava's before rapidly looking away, clearly embarrassed at all that his brother had said in front of his crush.

It was almost enough to make me smile despite all the creepy perviness that had just ensued.

"I'm so so sorry about him. He's just erm...a...erm...-" The redness that seeped underneath his light brown complexion darkened further, as he struggled for an answer.

"A tiny perv," Ava finished for him with a playful lopsided smile.

Leon blinked twice at her before letting a small smile slip to his lips. "Yeah, that," he mumbled, his eyes drifting to stare at her lips as she smiled.

A second longer ticked by before Ava cleared her throat once more. "So, are we allowed in?" Ava asked with a light laugh.

"Oh crap, yes, yes, of course," Leon rushed out, his voice striking higher as he briefly stepped out of the way.

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