"Well Doc will be in in a second, she knows that you're a close family friend of mine so you're in good hands. Stop up front before you leave, will you?"


With a smile she walked out closing the door. Here I sit in this small room and the silence was deafing. The doctor knocked in the door and stepped in a few minutes later.

"Hi Ryder....?"


"What your birthday Ryder?"

"November 15th"

"Ok great, so Tracy says you are having some nausea and vomiting?"


"How long has this been going on?"

"About a week."

"Any chance of pregnancy Ryder?"


"What the date of your last period?"

"April 4th"

She stopped looking at something silently on the computer screen before sliding her glasses up to the top of her head. 

"Are you on birth control and sexually active Ryder?"

"No and I only been with anyone once in the last eight months."

"Well by what you told me I like to go ahead and have you give me a urine sample."

"For what, I figure it's just a stomach bug?"

"With what you told me, I like to go ahead and do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy."

"I really couldn't be pregnant...."

I didn't even believe what she has sitting here saying, I've only been with Joey and that was one time. It's been forever since I've been with anyone other than that, there is no way I'm pregnant. She pulled a plastic cup for the cabinet and handed it to me with a wipe and pointed me down the hallway to the rest room. I just sighed and did it, if this is the only way to just have her tell me it's the flu and give me something so I can get back to my dorm and my bed I'll do it. I quickly did it and put the cup in the window and returned to my room. It seemed like forever I sat there; I didn't notice my leg bouncing from nerves. I heard the knock before the click of the latch on the door. The doctor stepped in, stack of papers in her hand. I looked up at the expression on her face and I swallowed the lump in my throat.



"Well, I have the results from your test....Your test is positive Ryder and by the date of your last period I figured you are about six weeks along."

"So, I don't have the stomach flu?"

"No Ryder you're pregnant"

"Oh My God.... Please don't tell Tracy!" 



"I won't, now here is your paperwork, you are going to need to get into an obstetricians office very soon."

I sat in shock I took the papers from her hand and just sat there. I don't know how long I sat there but Tracy's head appeared in the doorway.

"Hey you're still here?"

"ahh yeah...."

"How you make out?"


"Is your friend coming back for you?"

"No, I'm....I'm just going to call an Uber."'

"Don't worry about it, I'm done for the day come on ill drive you back to the dorm."

"It's ok you don't have too"

"It's fine, get your jacket, come on we can catch up it's been over a year since I seen you."

I can do this; I can get in that car with Joey's sister after just finding out her brother got me pregnant and drive back to my dorm like nothing happened. I grabbed my jacket and smiled meekly at her and followed her to her car. She pulled out and headed to the highway,

"So Ry did doctor tell you whats wrong?"

"Oh yeah just some stomach stuff."



"So, Joey stopped by my mom's last night. He said he hasn't seen you since his show, I'm surprised I figure you two would be back to how you used to be."

"Yeah, I've been really busy with school."

I honestly didn't know what to say to her, I'm grateful that he hasn't told her more of the story than he has, because honestly, I don't even know how I would even respond since deep down I know I should talk to Joey especially now I just can't.

"I get it, school is a lot."

We pulled up to campus and she turned in,"

"What dorm are you Ryder, how do I get there?"

"I'm in Babcock Towers, make a left here go all the way down make the first right and I'm the third driveway on the right."

She drove down and pulled into the parking lot,

"Ok here you go Ryder"

"Thank you" "When you're feeling better give Joe a call, I know he misses you, I'll let him know I seen you."

"NO DONT!!!"

"Geez why?"

"I'll just call him, thanks again for the ride."

I slid from the car and headed up. I unlocked the door of course no Holly just the note that she was sleeping at Brayden's. I dropped the paperwork and fell to the bed, " fucking great I'm pregnant" is all I though. I don't even know how to be a mother; I never even held a baby. All I know is I don't even know how to process this or what do I want to do. Do I tell Joey, he is like this sex symbol he isn't going to want a baby. Maybe I don't tell him, and I just go and terminate it....I can't do that I know I could. All I know if I have to figure something out soon because now the night with Joey got even more complicated.

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