Final Note.

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Alright, yes, I made Krillin the main enemy in this story but I, in no way at all, hate Krillin.

To be honest, I love Krillin and I think he's the best human out of all the characters in Dragon Ball.

The reason I chose him as my main antagonist is because of a few reasons.

1- Callion struggled with not being able to change the original story. This was evident in Part 1 and also in this one as well. He hates the feeling of not being able to change anything from happening aside from the main story line and he gets shaken up when things actually start changing because he isn't used to it.

In the original plot (as we all know) Krillin pulled 18. That's the way the story was going for a while in Part 1 and Callion hated it. So when he noticed Krillin and 18 together in Part 2, he gets angry about it and starts thinking that he couldn't change anything after all.

When he starts fighting for a different path, it made me realize just how good it would be to have Krillin as the main antagonist.

2- it makes for an interesting love dynamic while exploring real world issues. People have the tendency to "claim" others. They throw the word "mine" around when in relationships but in reality no one is owned by anyone. I made it a big deal to have Callion allowing Lazuli to choose him while Krillin just wanted to claim her. Though he wanted her to choose him in the beginning, when she finally did, his mindset changed to a "she's mine" mindset instead of a "she's her own person" mindset.

I wanted to bring a real world perspective into this. Having the idea of "claiming" someone without really caring how the other person feels.

Also, I know that Callion used the word "mine" as well. It was intentional to show that no one is perfect and everyone slips up at one point or another.

3- Krillin and Callion had the best friendship that I had written in the story.

I know that Callion and Gohan had a pretty good dynamic throughout the two parts, but Callion really pushed the humans to be as strong as the Saiyan's and not just some side characters.

Their dynamic made me want to change the way I wrote dragon ball. Instead of "Main character overcomes stronger Antagonist", I wanted it to be more mental gymnastics. I didn't want Callion to come up with an high IQ plan to beat Krillin, nor just outright overpower him.

I wanted Callion to show the villain that he could never get what he wanted. Could Callion have gone about it in a different way? Maybe.

I guess we'll find out next time, right?

One last thing. I appreciate all the love and support for this series. Seriously it's my biggest stories yet so far and it just showed me how big dragon ball is. I hope to create a series as big as dragon ball that attracts so many fans and allows so many people to explore their creativity in a world that I created.

Anyways, seriously thanks for rocking with me so far. If you've made it so far, let me know if you want me to create a Part 3! I'm thinking about adding a new woman to Callion's family!

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