Chapter 12: Letting Go

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Callion moved his neck around as the collar was placed gently on the table. He felt free, but he couldn't believe it was true. He had to pinch himself to make sure that he wasn't dreaming of having the collar off.

A smile appeared on his face.

He looked at his friends and watched how they touched their necks in disbelief. They looked at him, and then at the collars on the table.

"Bulma, you're a genius," Callion said with a smile on his face. He rushed towards her and gave her a hug, lifting her feet slightly off the ground and spinning her around. Bulma yelled and laughed with joy until Callion finally put her down.

"I don't want to toot my own horn, but yeah, I'm pretty much a genius." Bulma flipped her hair as she absorbed the praise.

Callion continued to smile as his eyes hit the floor. Still, it felt like a dream. He'd been dreaming about this day for seven years. It had almost become a part of him that he continued to reject, but now he knew that the life of a slave wasn't his life anymore.

Or so he thought.

His mind suddenly went back to Lazuli and Krillin. The area around him began to change and suddenly Callion was watching Krillin and Lazuli walking Marron back home from school.

At that moment, Callion stood straight and looked at his friends as the area returned to normal.

"Alright," Callion said while looking at them. "I'll get going so that I can leave so that I can stop King Yurag once and for all."

Zayd's eyes widened. "What?" he asked. "Why would you do that? You'll never survive. You'll die out there!"

Callion shook his head. "No, I'm strong enough to survive. Besides, I can't die just yet."

"You're out of your mind Callion!" Zayd yelled as a tear began to form in his eyes. "You can't go out there! Ukog is on that ship waiting for destruction and a chance to get his hands bloody again. He wouldn't hesitate to fight you as well and you know he's stronger than you!"

The Saiyan ignored the purple-hair kid and walked out of Bulma's lab. He made his way towards the exit of the building but was once again stopped by Zayd who was now beginning to cry once more. "Callion, please don't! Let me go with you!" he yelled.

Callion shook his head. "If you come with me then I'll have to focus on also protecting you. Just stay here and build your life with my friends here. They will take care of you and help you adjust to the way things are here."

"I don't care!" Zayd yelled. 

"Enough, Zayd!" Callion yelled which caused Zayd to instantly be quiet.

A few footsteps were heard and Lazuli came downstairs with a curious look in her eyes. When they connected with Callion's her heart once again dropped and she almost began crying once again but she swallowed the emotions building up and took a deep breath.

"What's going on?" she asked while moving her gaze to Bulma who had an angry look on her face.

"Callion is planning on getting himself killed," Bulma answered.

"No, I'm not," Callion said with a sigh.

Lazuli finished walking down the stairs, her feet lightly tapping every step until they eventually found the cold blue floor of Bulma's place. "What do you mean?"

"He's planning on leaving to take on that army by himself."

"Why?" Lazuli questioned as she turned to look at him. "I thought we were all going to plan for this and come up with a solution so that you wouldn't have to leave again. I thought that the main reason for you wanting to get those collars off was so that you wouldn't have to back there?"

Callion nodded his head. "You're right. Now I don't have to go there, but I want to go back there. King Yurag will no doubt be sending soldiers here if I don't return to his ship. Once I get there I'll destroy him and try to set everyone free. Now that I know how to do it, I'll be able to get them off that ship and allow them to go back home to their families."

"That's the dumbest idea you've ever come up with," Lazuli retorted. "I won't let you go out there and get yourself killed. I won't let you."

"What does it matter to you?"

Lazuli narrowed her eyes and tightened her fist. "That is not fair."

"When I'm gone you won't have to worry about me anymore. You can fully move on with Krillin and live your happy life. Have a child, live in a big house, and continue to live your life like you have when I was gone."

The blonde hair android shook her head as the anger started boiling up to a point of no return. "Do you have any idea how much I have been through since you've been gone? No, you don't. So let me tell you exactly how much I've cried when you couldn't get wished back with the dragon balls. I looked outside our apartment window for weeks hoping that you would come down from the heavens like an angel and let me know that everything was alright. Every night I went to sleep thinking about you while having to cry myself to sleep at night after realizing that you weren't coming back! Do you know who held me together?"

"Krillin?" Callion asked as his jaw began to shake. "The same guy who used to look you up and down knowing that I was standing right there without a care in the world? Do you want me to listen to you tell me about how Krillin rocked you to sleep on those cold lonely nights? Do you expect me to listen to you tell me how the girl that was once mine... fell in love with my best friend?"

A single tear escaped from Lazuli's eyes.

Bulma began to push Zayd back down to the lab so that Callion and Lazuli could have their alone time.

"Again, that isn't fair," Lazuli said as she wiped the tear from her eye.

"No, It's not," he agreed. 

"Do you think that you're innocent?" she asked as another tear threatened to fall from her eyes. "If so, let's talk about how you already knew that Krillin and I would end up together, yet you still decided to go after me."

"You were single."

"So?" Lazuli asked. "You knew that this would happen."

Callion nodded his head. "I didn't think that I would get captured and forced into a war for seven years. If I didn't get captured, would you have cheated on me since it seems that you're destined to be with Krillin? Would our relationship never have worked if nothing I do can change what I've already watched?"

"I don't know!"

"Well, I guess Buu's coming back to life! Cell is also coming back because nothing I do will change anything!" Callion yelled.

"Enough!" Lazuli yelled. "I won't let you talk to me like I've done something wrong! I moved on only a few weeks ago and suddenly you come back acting like you have some sort of claim over me? It took me seven years to finally move on Callion! Seven years!"

"I spent the same amount of time trying to get back to you! So I can come back and show you how much I love you! I dreamed of you, cried for you, and killed for you. Everything I did was so that I could come back here and hold you in my arms."

Silence fell upon the both of them. Neither one of them had the energy to keep arguing, though, at the same time, they didn't want to stop arguing. Callion knew that once he finished saying what he needed to say, he would leave without looking back. She had moved on, now it was his turn. Lazuli knew something very similar. She still loved him and didn't want him to leave, but she knew that once he left that would be the end of it. There wouldn't be any more arguing, or speaking to each other in general.

They were both stalling.

Eventually, Callion sighed and turned around. He started walking towards the door, then stopped just before he opened it. He turned his head slightly and looked into Lazuli's eyes once more. "It was good to see you again, Lazuli."

She nodded her head but looked away from him. 

A moment later, she heard the door open, and then close.

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