Chapter 32: Reveal

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"W-wait!" the creature said as he quickly put his arms across his face in fear. He didn't know Callion was so strong and fast. Before he knew it his advantage had been taken away and there was no way possible he'd be able to get away from a target that moved so fast. This was a losing battle and he knew it, but his mind thought about Bojack. If Bojack was here, then he'd be safe. He'd never seen anyone stronger than Bojack. "I- I-" The assassin tried to find the words but what could he say? If he told the truth, then he'd break the contract. If he lied, then he'd die.

Such an easy decision, but his predicament excited him. The fear, the feeling of being back into a corner, and the idea of death caused him to bite his lips to keep himself from groaning.

He loved it.

He wanted to experience it. Pain from the strongest mortal to ever exist.

The assassin began breathing heavily as his heart began racing faster. His entire body was feeling hot just from thinking about being punished for being bad. Gosh he loved being an assassin. All the pain and torment around him was addicting.

Callion narrowed his eyes at him in confusion. He didn't understand what was going on, but the vibe he was getting told him that he needed to be careful. Before anyone could even blink an eye, Callion travelled to Bulma's house, dropped off Zuko in between her and Vegeta, and then went back home.

No one understood what had happened. In their eyes, Callion was holding Zuko then suddenly he wasn't. Lazuli and Towa hadn't seen Callion use this much power since he'd fought against Beerus, but he was much stronger now. All the time in the demon realm had altered his spirit and his mind. He wasn't the same teenager he was during the cell games. He'd grown and matured. Callion wasn't only a king, but also a father that would do anything to protect his child.

"Wait, Cal," Lazuli said. He turned to her with curious eyes showing her that she had grabbed his attention. "That guy is an assassin. He was hired by someone to kill you but he has some sort of your tire fetish. He wants to make you suffer by driving all of our friends away from you."

Callion turned to the assassin.

"Who hired you?" he asked without even raising his face. His tone was calm, and his demeanor was cool.

"I don't disclose that type of information," the assassin said with a smile on his face. "You'll have to beat it out of me!" His eyes were just as wide as the smile on his face.

Callion shook his head. "Nah, I don't feel like it. Just tell me who the guy is. Actually, I'll fight you all you want after this. Having strong friends to spar against is an amazing thing. We don't have to be enemies to fight against one another. Become my friend."

The assassin's eyes widened. He hadn't thought about it that way at all. The thought of feeling pain more than just once had his heart beat racing and the thought of fighting his master again nearly drove him insane.

He dropped down to his knees and sweat seeped through the mummy cloth wrapped around his body.

"Come at me!" he yelled as as he rushed toward Callion. The Saiyan shook his head in disappointment.

Before the assassin knew it, his face was placed on the ground and he was on his knees with Callion's foot placed roughly on top of his head. There was no pain, only humiliation and shame. He wasn't getting what he wanted. To feel the thrill of pain and fear was something that he lived for, but Callion was making their scuffle boring and uninteresting. The only thing that made assassination fun was being ripped away from him. If he'd attacked any of Callion's friends, then Callion would simply move them out of the way using his superior speed. If he tried to blast his home to pieces, then Callion would deflect the blast, and if he tired destroy the entire Earth, he'd risk killing the person who had called upon him to begin with.

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