Chapter 23: Super Saiyan God

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The next day Callion woke up from his rest and stretched his arms. He took a shower, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and put his regular combat gear on which consisted of a hoodie, some combat boots, and some sweatpants. The sun gently touched his face as he stepped outside and breathed in the air. It wasn't cold outside by any means but he felt comfortable in his hoodie. He walked into a nearby alley and and began floating before he suddenly took off into the air, careful not to break the sound barrier.

As Callion was in the air, he opened a portal to the demon realm and grabbed Towa. She was unprepared when he arrived and was just getting out of the shower. Things were finally getting back on track in the demon realm and she had spent the entire night making sure things were running smoothly. When she finally went to sleep, it wasn't long before she had to wake up again to get ready for the day but she was disappointed when she realized she had woken up later than what she would have liked.

Seeing Callion after getting out of the shower made her incredibly happy to the point where she couldn't even hide the smile on her face. No one could tell her why she felt so giggity when she saw him but she did and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

When they finally left the demon realm, they appeared back on Earth only for Callion to feel Goku's energy completely disappear as if he was just killed.

This worried Callion as he took off in the direction he'd last felt Goku. When he arrived at Bulma's home, he saw Gohan, Vegeta, Buu, and even Krillin laying on the ground, defeated. Along with his friends Kai and Zayd who'd been training hard in order to each everyone else's level. Trunks and Goten stayed close to Bulma in order to keep her safe at the very least but they had 18 standing off to the side. Everyone had told her to stay out of the battle so that she wouldn't injure herself or the baby and she reluctantly agreed.

Beerus stood in the middle of it all with a disappointed look on his face meanwhile Whis was eating pudding beside Bulma with the biggest smile on his face.

Whis and Beerus both looked up to see Callion floating in the air with the demon queen at his side.

"Oh my. It appears the king and the queen of the demon realm has appeared. My lord, that may be the strongest warrior Earth has left." Whis stuffed another piece of cake in his mouth.

Lazuli looked up into the air as she spotted Callion. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him but sunk when she saw a woman standing beside him. The words of Whis caused her to be more curious than ever.

"Is that right? Tell me Saiyan, are you the Saiyan god?"

Callion shook his head. "No, but I know how we can make on."

Beerus looked at Callion with a curious eye.

"We need five righteous Saiyan's to give their energy to one. Luckily for you, there is enough here," Callion said as he looked around at his injured friends. Beerus looked around as well and realized that he'd injured every Saiyan except one.

"Whis, heal them quickly so that I can get the fight of my life. "

The angel healed all the injured fighters and watched as they bickered about who would become the first super Saiyan god.

Callion and Gohan declined the offer, leaving only Goku and Vegeta to decide even though Callion told them that they'd both become gods in the near future anyway. That didn't stop them from arguing until they finally decided to let Goku hold the power since Callion knew for sure that Goku's body would absorb that level of power.

They all got into position.

Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Callion.

The ritual was a success and Goku had transformed into the fiery red god that had struck the hearts of so many fans around the world. Seeing it in person bad Callion nearly falling over but at the same time Callion realized that he didn't even want the form.

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