Chapter 15: Transformation

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Gohan gulped as Callion's power climbed higher than anything they'd ever seen. The half-Saiyan didn't know what to do in his situation. Watching Callion's power soar was incredible to watch, but he wanted to be useful as well. He wanted to be just as useful to Callion as he is to them. Gohan felt that he owed him at least that for all the things he'd done for them and all the things that he sacrificed.

When Callion's power finally got stable, they could hardly move around him. His energy was just so massive that they thought it would crush them if they walked away.

"What did you do for training again?"


Before they knew it, the energy around them got even heavier. The clouds had dispersed as a ship come flying through so fast that they could hardly keep up with it. Callion was the first to start flying toward the ship, Gohan and Piccolo came soon after, and when they landed, they waited until the driver of the spaceship came out.

It wasn't long before a large man came out of the door with skin as white as snow. The man's long grey hair and sharp canines were the most noticeable features on his body and a close second was the long claws crowing from his hands.

"Callion!" Ukog yelled out with a smile on his face. "The time for our fated battle has come! I've been waiting for this battle for years! Don't hold anything back!"

The Saiyan got into his battle stance as he waited for Ukog to dash toward him.

"Callion, what do you want us to do while you fight him?"

"Limit the damage caused by our fight and make sure that you come in soon after I start losing. I'll probably be in bad shape, Piccolo do you have a sensu?"

Piccolo shook his head from side to side.

"I do," Goku said as he landed on the ground with Vegeta close behind him. "So this is the guy whose energy is soaring? He looks tough."

Callion nodded. "Yeah, but let me fight him first. Learn his fighting style or at least come up with a way to adjust to it."

"Anything we should look out for specifically?" Goku asks.

"His aura. It becomes semi-transparent and that's when it starts draining your ki. Once his aura causes him to become distorted, don't even think about touching him. It's almost like his ki gets a mind of its own and begins absorbing whatever chakra it wants with no hesitation."

"Damn," Vegeta said as he gritted his teeth. "Reminds me of those blasted androids all over again."

"Hey!" 18 said as she landed on the ground. "All Androids aren't that bad."

"What? I wasn't talking-"

"I'm joking," Lazuli said with a smile on her face. She turned to look at Callion, then at the monster in front of everyone. "Will you be ok?"

Callion looked at her, then nodded.

With a dash so fast that no one even knew he'd moved, Ukog was directly in front of Callion with his fist pulled back and ready to attack. Callion's eyes were the first to react, then his arms came up soon after to block the attack but the force of the punch was too much for him to handle and it caused him to drop his guard. The wind from the punch caused everyone else to go flying from the unexpected attack that they couldn't even see.

Callion quickly put his guard back up to block another attack but the same thing happened. At that point, Callion knew that his arms wouldn't survive any more punishment so he decided to go on the offensive. With his smaller body, Callion used his size to duck a few other attacks and eventually got close enough to land a barrage of attacks onto Ukog's stomach.

Callion! 2 Much To Lose! (Android18xOC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz