Chapter 3: Realization

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Android 18 sat in her office with Bulma as they worked on a project together. A way to build helper robots to help the disabled with chores around the house. Their first prototype had a crappy robot voice that seemed more creepy than comforting. So they were trying to find a way to make the voice sound less robotic and more casual to increase everyone's comfort around the robots.

While they worked on the project, Bulma noticed that 18 wasn't talking as often as she usually does. Bulma also noticed the distant look in her eyes that was slowing their work down considerably.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong or will I have to figure it out?" Bulma asked while looking at 18 with a smile on her face.

Lazuli sighed while putting her head down on their workbench. "Krillin and I got into a fight," she said with a groan. "It was pretty bad and I don't know how to move forward now."

Bulma put a hand on Lazuli's shoulder, grabbing her attention. "In my experience, you should let the men handle it. If you and Krillin got into a fight then you wait for him to apologize for whatever he did."

"It wasn't all his fault though. I'm definitely partly to blame for the argument."

The blue-haired woman's eyes widened with shock. "Ok I was trying not to get too far into your business but now I'm extremely curious. What happened? Why are the two of you fighting?"

Lazuli sighed again and explained everything that had happened. Bulma and Lazuli had become pretty close ever since they started working together so Lazuli always found it easy to confide in her. Though Bulma rarely had any good relationship advice to give Lazuli, she still always found a way to help Lazuli with other problems in her life. Bulma had also become a great listener over the years. She nodded, kept quiet, and focused on Lazuli whenever she needed someone to listen to her problems. While she was listening to Lazuli, she didn't say a word and just took in all the information that was being handed to her. 

"I don't find it that hard to believe that the two of you got together. Honestly, I was sort of waiting for the day but now I just don't know how to react. You are both right and I just don't understand how it went wrong."

Lazuli sighed once more. "I don't understand either. I had a good night then woke up only to find Krillin saying that what we did was wrong. He always wanted me to move on from... you know... so that's what I was trying to do."

Bulma nodded her head in understanding then her eyes widened. "That could be the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"You slept with Krillin for the main purpose of moving on, but that isn't what Krillin wants. Krillin wants you to choose him because he likes you, not because he wants you to get over... you know who."

"I don't understand..."

"Lazuli, Krillin is absolutely in love with you. I think he's been in love with you since the moment he met you. I think his main goal was to have you finally choose him, not just move on. You didn't choose you, you just tried to move on."

Lazuli's eyes widened at the realization. At that moment she understood why they had got into an argument and why what they had done was wrong. She wasn't trying to hurt Krillin, she was just trying to move on and Krillin seemed like the safest person to do it with. She sees now that she was wrong. She needed to respect Krillin's feelings and that's exactly what she was going to do. Getting out of her seat, she rushed out of the room and went directly to the exit of the building. She flew straight up into the air and started trying to sense Krillin's power. When she got a lock, she took off in his direction, breaking the sound barrier to reach him as fast as she could.

It didn't take her long at all to reach him as he was training by himself at Roshi's house. He shot Kamehameha after Kamehameha until he had to take a few deep breaths to keep his energy. He didn't even notice that she had landed somewhere behind him because he couldn't sense her energy but something told him to turn around and when he did he was surprised to see her standing there looking at him with a weird look in her eyes.

"18, are you ok?" Krillin asked while looking at him.

Lazuli nodded her head but didn't say a word. She just stared at him and took in his appearance. Shirtless, sweating, and a bit burned from the sun. It was clear that he had been out here for hours, practicing his technique so that he could master it the best he could. Though many would call him a master at using it, he didn't think so at all. He wanted to improve upon it in more ways than just making it bigger or just changing its color. Lazuli respected him for that.

"Are you sure?" he asked while narrowing his eyes slightly.

Again, she nodded her head to answer his question. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she smiled at him, and at that moment, Krillin blushed. "Krillin," she said softly while staring at him. The wind blew past them both, causing 18's hair to block her face for just a moment, but she moved her hair out of the way, and to Krillin, it only showed her beauty more than before. "I choose you."

His eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped. After a moment of realization, he smiled softly while looking into her eyes. He took a step closer to her and she took one closer to him. They continued this trend until they were directly beside each other. Krillin started floating in the air to reach her lips and when they collided, he was filled with utter bliss and happiness. It was like his dream had come true.

Suddenly they both felt the familiar energy of Goku barreling toward them. They disengaged and waited for him to arrive which didn't take long.

"Hi, guys!" Goku said happily as he landed softly on the ground.

"Hey Goku," Krillin said with a goofy grin on his face. Lazuli also greeted him with a warm hello. It had been a while since she had seen him so she was thankful that she finally got to see him once again.

"Gohan is participating in the martial arts tournament. Vegeta and I thought it would be a great idea to join it as well to test our new power. I was wondering if you'd like to join as well."

Krillin looked at 18 and she looked at him back. "I'm fine with just watching," Lazuli said with a nonchalant look on her face. "Krillin I think you should join. You've been training hard recently so you should definitely test how good you've gotten."

Looking down at the ground for a moment, Krillin smiled and lifted his head once again to face Goku. "Let's do this!"

Callion gets into a ship along with Zayd and Kai

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Callion gets into a ship along with Zayd and Kai. The Saiyan put in the coordinates to Earth and start up the ship without any distractions. He knew that only had two weeks to get there and back before another war started. A war that would be him against Ukog which wouldn't be in his favor. Though he did have a plan for if he didn't make it back in time, he didn't know how the collars worked. It could be a tracking device or the ship itself could be getting tracked. Regardless, he knew that being on Earth long wouldn't be safe, but he wanted to let all of his friends know that he didn't die. He wanted to let her know that he was still thinking about her daily.

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