Chapter 5: Return

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Lazuli lay against a rock in horror as she watched Vegeta return and blow up Babidi's ship. She had no idea what was going on anymore. She was there when Vegeta turned against them and started fighting Goku, now he was back with his eyes on Buu. Did Vegeta win? Where was Goku? All these questions crossed her mind quickly but the only thing she could think about was stopping Buu. He was a brainless creature made for the sole purpose of destruction. Nothing more, nothing less.

She tried her best to fight the evil creature but was no match. Its child-like silliness threw her off guard so many times that she never knew what he was doing next. At one moment he'd make fun of her, and then attack her with an attack so fast that she couldn't react. She didn't understand how such a big creature could move so effortlessly. What surprised her the most was how the creature seemed to be able to take no damage at all and regenerate faster than even Piccolo.

Everything felt hopeless.

So she watched as Vegeta fought. Throwing a string of powerful blows at Buu that finally seemed to actually do some damage... or so she thought. Just like how the creature did before, it just regenerated and went back to its original form. At that moment she didn't know what to do. Fighting it seemed impossible. 

Then suddenly, someone appeared directly in front of Babidi. Lazuli couldn't see the mysterious man that had appeared in front of her, nor could she recognize the hair on his head. All she knew was, that he was powerful.

The man lifted his head, said a few words, then blasted Babidi with an energy attack so powerful that nothing was left behind. Lazuli looked around for the supreme Kai but he was gone. No longer where he once was and when she turned to see the man once again, he was gone as well. She couldn't even sense his power.

Suddenly there was someone in front of her. A kid with light blue skin, dark purple eyes, and white hair. He smiled as he looked at her and put out his hand. "Do you mind if I carry you to a safer location? I don't want to touch you without your consent."

Lazuli stood up on her own. Struggling a bit, but she had managed. "I can make it there on my own. Lead the way."

The kid nodded his head and took off flying away from Vegeta and Buu. She followed closely behind him until he finally stopped and dropped towards Krillin and a few others. Piccolo was one, Trunks, Goten, Krillin, and another unknown person who could have been an enemy, but seemed extremely friendly.

"Alright now introduce yourself," Piccolo said as 18 landed behind him. "Are you working with Babidi? What's your goal?"

Suddenly another person appeared above them. The same person that Lazuli had seen earlier. The one who took out Babidi once and for all.

"Don't interrogate them too much Piccolo. Kai doesn't speak and Zayd is already super nervous."

"How do you know who I am?" Piccolo said as he stared up at the man. He analyzed him and noticed that he looked extremely familiar, but that could have been because of the Saiyan tail that had suddenly made itself known. He also noticed that the man had Gohan on his shoulders.

The man tilted his head in confusion, then narrowed his eyes. "You don't recognize me? I guess it's been a while. Seven years to be exact," he said as he looked up into the air. At that exact moment, the man looked over at Vegeta who was breathing heavily while Buu was jumping around like a toddler. 

Piccolo's eyes widened as he looked at the man floating above him. He took one step back, and then another. "N-no way," he said with widened eyes. "Y-you're!"

"Callion," Lazuli finished while also staring at him with widened eyes. The word had barely left her mouth as she stood there almost frozen. He'd changed so much. He'd gotten more toned, but his body was still lean. His hair was wild. Much wilder than ever before. He looked almost the same age as before, but something about his eyes made him different. They weren't a different color, nor was one missing. To Lazuli, he looked tired. He looked at her directly and smiled. 

Callion! 2 Much To Lose! (Android18xOC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن