Chapter 7: Evil Boo No More!

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Everyone watched as Buu slowly came out of the ground with a look of anger on his face. Anger so big that Callion knew that eventually, he wouldn't be able to contain it.

Buu dashed over to Callion, and Callion dashed back at him. They collided against each other and the shock waves caused many of the rock formations to fall over and crash onto the ground.

Callion threw a barrage of punches and kicks at the blob creature who had managed to keep on attacking, completely ignoring the physical attacks. The Saiyan used his speed to disappear and reappear behind Buu. He slammed his foot into the top of Buu's head which caused Buu to go crashing into the ground beneath them.

The Saiyan lifted both arms and began charging up a blue energy blast. He threw the ball down towards Buu and exploded it early.

Callion smiled when Buu came rushing out of the explosion. Before Buu could get smoke to come out of his holes again, Callion appeared in front of him and began hitting him with another barrage of attacks.

When Callion was finished with his combo, he moved backward to gain some distance.

"Come on Buu, is that all you've got?"

Buu began making a series of weird angry noises. From grunts to outright yelling. "You made Buu mad!" the blob said as it began holding its head. Buu screamed loudly and agonizingly as suddenly his body began to get bright red. Smoke fired out from the holes that were on his head and eventually a cloud of smoke appeared above everyone's head with a strange dark aura around it.

Callion looked at it and then powered up. A white aura surrounded his body and his power began to rise higher than anything they'd ever seen. Debris began floating around them and the ground beneath his feet began to shake like a tremendous earthquake. He put his hands up at the cloud above them and a purple light began to form in the palm of his hands. It grew bigger and bigger until the ball was big enough to completely engulf the cloud above them. He grunted as he condensed the attack so that it would be easier to throw and control.

"We've got to help him!" Lazuli said as she started charging up an attack of her own. She was far away from the cloud, but she knew that she could hit the cloud with a significant amount of power no matter the distance. "If Callion doesn't obliterate the attack with that attack then whatever is in that cloud will just come back."

"How do you know that?" Zayd asked as he started charging up an attack of his own. His power wasn't anywhere close to anyone who was fighting, but he knew that even a little could go a long way.

"Buu came from a cloud just like that one when Gohan tried to destroy him before he could fully hatch. If this is the same situation, we'll have to completely obliterate the monster before it forms." Lazuli put more energy into the light in her hands.

Callion fired the blast and it exploded upon impact. The blast was so strong that it threw Lazuli and Zayd off balance for a moment before they could finally fire their attacks. The added explosions caused Callion to rush over to Buu and pick him up to carry him away from the explosions. When they reached a good enough distance, Callion put Buu down and started focusing on the now gone cloud in the sky. He focused as hard as he could to be sure of the cloud's complete demise.

After a few moments of waiting, Callion took a deep breath and looked over at the pink blob that continued to stare at him with eyes of anger.

"You cheated!" Buu said as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"Yeah sorry," Callion admitted. "I had to get you mad so that I could get evil Buu to come out. Do you feel any different now that the evil monster is out of you?"

Buu turned to him and stuck his tongue out while spitting a bit. Callion laughed slightly when he figured everything would be ok. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to completely destroy evil Buu before he got out into the world, but he was happy that he did. His friends had helped him as well. His friends from the past and his most recent friends.

"Wanna come meet my friend Buu?"

"No! Buu still mad at you!"

"Alright, I'll promise to give you a fair rematch if you just be nice. We have a lot of chocolate on earth as well as many people who would want a friend."

"A friend?" Buu said with wide eyes. He slowly uncrossed his arms and turned to Callion just to make sure he wasn't lying.

Callion nodded his head. "Actually, I got a few people over there that might want to be your friend. Wanna come to meet them officially?"

Buu and Callion made their way over to Lazuli and the others and when they made it a smile appeared on Callion's face instantly when his eyes landed on the blonde beauty of his dreams. The woman who haunted his dreams for seven years. The woman who he fought through the pain and suffering of war just to see one more time.

He landed on the ground and noticed the state everyone was in. Krillin and Piccolo looked fine, as well as Goten and Trunks who were looking at him like he was an enemy. At that moment he realized that Goten and Trunks had never met him and would probably no doubt be confused about who he is. Lazuli was clearly hurt. Gohan and the Supreme Kai had yet to wake up from the fight with Buu. Callion knew that it wasn't the time to relax, he had to get them some help before they succumb to their wounds.

"Get them to Dende so that he can heal them. I'm going to head to Bulma's place for the time being with these two. Want to meet up there?" Callion asked while looking at everyone. Piccolo nodded his head and picked up Gohan. Trunks helped lift his injured father up from the ground and started flying away. Goten went to look for his father to get him healed as well. The only ones who were left were Krillin and Lazuli only because Lazuli had yet to take her eyes off Callion.

Krillin was beginning to get angry now, yet he stayed quiet.

"Callion," Lazuli said while looking him in the eyes.

The Saiyan smiled at her to let her know that everything was ok. He walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder so that she could feel his touch and know that this wasn't a figment of her imagination. He knew that was what she needed and when he touched her shoulder she nearly melted into the touch. She breathed in his scent and exhaled. "Get healed up quickly so that I can explain everything."

Lazuli nodded her head like she was in a trance and only snapped out of it once Callion removed his hand from her shoulder.

Krillin grabbed her hand and started flying in the air with her following close by. She continued to look back at Callion as if he was going to disappear forever if she didn't keep her eyes on him.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that it was definitely a possibility.

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