Chapter 6: Strength From War

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Piccolo's eyes widened as he watched Callion stand in the dust with his hand grabbing Buu's fist. There wasn't a hint of struggle as Callion had Buu's fist in his hand. The pink blob started struggling to get his hands free from Callion's grip, and this made Piccolo swallow in a fit of nervousness.

"H-how strong has Callion become?"

Krillin and Lazuli also looked down to see what had happened. Their shock was written all over their faces.

"Callion's way stronger than this guy. You might find it hard to believe but Callion's been through a lot. Every time he got beat up, he just kept getting stronger. Over the years he's become one of the strongest on the ship," Zayd said with a sense of pride. "As far as I can sense, he's the strongest one on this planet right now."

"How is that even possible?" Krillin asks while looking at Callion. His heart felt heavy as he looked at the man he once thought was dead. His eyes drifted over to 18 and he looked at her gaze while she watched Callion.

Her eyes were focused solely on Callion. She watched as he grabbed the very attack that was able to put her and Gohan out of commission. Callion had gotten so much stronger; it was actually impressive to her. Still, though, she couldn't believe he was alive. His presence comforted her immediately once she realized it was him, but at the same time, it made her nervous. She'd just started her relationship with Krillin and now Callion had returned from the dead. She didn't know what to do, honestly, she didn't even want to think about it. She tried her best to focus on the fight at hand, but she could feel Krillin's eyes on her. Borrowing into her head in a way that almost made her look at him in return. Luckily, though, she didn't.

Buu narrowed his eyes angrily and then attacked again. The pink blob put more power into the punch now. Again the ground cracked and caused the crater to get even deeper.

"Is that all you've got?" Callion asked while tilting his head. "You must not be strong." A smile appeared on Callion's face.

"What?" Buu asked the question so loud that even Krillin heard the creature. "Buu strong! Buu the strongest!"

"Is that right? Prove it to me for real this time," Callion said as he stood there again, waiting for the attack.

Piccolo looked at what was happening with wide eyes. He heard everything that Callion had said, yet he didn't know why Callion was saying those things. "Why is he making that monster angry? Doesn't he know that Buu could destroy us all? I don't care how confident in his abilities he is, he should be more careful and treat this fight more seriously!"

"It's not that," Vegeta said as he landed beside them. He sat down and leaned against one of the rocks behind him. His body had been badly beaten and even though he hated Callion becoming the hero once again, he also felt a sense of appreciation. "Callion has a plan. He said something about separating Buu by making him angry. I think that's his plan." Trunks dashed beside his father and began asking him if he was okay. Vegeta responded kindly and answered every question honestly.

"Separating Buu?" Piccolo asked Vegeta before turning his head back to the fight.

Buu started throwing a barrage of punches at Callion. The Saiyan caught some and dodge more. He showed no signs of trouble and even seemed to be enjoying just how much he was playing with the creature, meanwhile Buu was getting angrier at the fact that he couldn't touch Buu at all.

Callion saw an opening to gain some distance and he took it. Callion jumped far away from the creature with one leap and put his hands up. "Wait, Buu. Is it my turn to attack?" Callion asked.

Buu looked at Callion and smoke started coming from his head. "No! Buu hasn't hit you!"

The Saiyan laughed a bit and then put his own hands behind his back. "Fine. I'll let you hit me once, but you've got to let me hit you right after."

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