Chapter 18: Love

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A/N: Sorry but I've got to warn everyone that this chapter has smut in it. I'm sorry, but that's the case. I actually always wanted to make a smut and was the main reason why I started making fanfics in the first place though I never got the opportunity to do so. Actually I could have in PT 1 of Callion but I just didn't do it because I wanted to build an actual relationship with the characters first. So yeah... smut... enjoy!


Callion awoke to the sound of traffic outside of his apartment and people screaming at each other or to their phones. It was the same thing just a different day.

He got out of the bed and got ready for his day properly. The excitement he was feeling was due to him finally being able to see Lazuli once again after a day of rest. They had reconciled and he just wanted to wrap his arms around her for the first time in seven years. He missed everything about her and he wanted her to know that as well. His mind raced with images of her and realized that he didn't even want to go out anywhere for fear of having to fight some unknown enemy outside. Just this once, Callion wanted to stay inside.

When he reached Lazuli's place, he was surprised by the sheer size of it all. Though it was just a regular apartment, it was nearly twice the size of his and that wasn't including every other room besides the living room.

Lazuli opened the door and the smell of her home came rushing toward his nose. The smell of vanilla with a hint of mint. He looked at her and smiled. Blue eyes, blonde hair, and a banging figure to match the beautiful face of Lazuli. She had been keeping herself in shape over the years and it was greatly appreciated by him even though he was sure that she wasn't keeping herself in shape for his sake.

She invited him inside and Callion began looking around the huge apartment but his eyes widened when he remembered that they had a dog. When he looked around he found no sign of a dog anywhere. No dog bowls, leashes, or any crates for the dog to sleep in.

"Lazuli, what happened to our dog?" Callion asked while looking at her.

Her eyes dropped to the ground and sadness washed over her. At that moment he didn't need to hear anything to understand what had happened.

"I see," Callion said as he started walking toward her and before Lazuli could even blink, Callion's arms were wrapped around her. "I've missed you so much." His words were filled with nothing but truth. The mood had gotten dim because of his question but he was hoping he could turn things around.

"I've missed you too. The endless nights I went thinking about you... knowing that your finally here just feels like I dream."

"I agree which is why I'm holding onto you for dear life. If this is a dream then I don't want to wake up," Callion said as he pulled back slightly to look at her face. They were so close now that they could feel each other's breathing.

"Callion," she said breathlessly.

"Lazuli," he said back as he began leaning closer toward her. She didn't step back or turn her head. Instead, she decided to lean in closer as well. Both of their eyes closed as their lips finally came together once more. Seven years of waiting had finally come to this moment and they both wanted to savor it as much as possible. Their lips began moving against one another as they both deepened the kiss. Callion pulled her in closer to him which he didn't even think was possible. He didn't want to let her go at all and found himself getting drunk just from the kiss of their lips.

.......................... Smut Warning.....................

Minutes began feeling like hours as eventually Callion pushed her up against a wall. Lazuli groaned as the pain turned into pleasure and her heart began racing faster than before. She could feel her panties getting damp and it only made her want to take them off even sooner.

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