Chapter 9: The Truth Revealed

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They all sat down in Bulma's lab and waited for Callion to start speaking, but he didn't know what to say first so he just stared at them until Piccolo finally decided to speak first. "Explain to use from the beginning. What happened after Goku used instant transmission on both you and Hazel."

"Well after the battle, I blacked out. I tried to kill myself to take finally get rid of Hazel once and for all, but I don't know what happened after I exploded. All I know was I woke up on a ship with this collar around my neck. A general started telling me and a few other people that we worked for a guy called King Yurag now and would have to fight in a war so that we can get our freedom back. The war ended just a few days ago. I tried to talk to King Yurag about letting me and the rest of us free, but he didn't want to of course. Instead of fighting him and dying from this collar, I decided to make a deal with him. He gave me two weeks of freedom in exchange for me coming back to him."

"You've been at war for seven years? How strong were your opponents?" Vegeta asked as he leaned up against a wall and crossed his arms.

"Just one soldier was probably Ginyu level. They were easy to deal with individually, but when they gang up on you, that's when the problems start. Plus I'm pretty sure their soldiers were getting strong over the years. Attacks that used to kill them, started to only knock them out for a few moments before they got back up. Days that were supposed to be easy only got harder. Days of rest got scarce as everyone's desire for the war to end began getting higher. Food got scarce and there wasn't any land to hunt for our own game. Vegetation had no chance of growing on the battlefield and the huts that we slept in regularly collapsed from Ki blasts hitting the ground."

"How did you even survive?" Bulma asked while looking at him with sorrow in her eyes.

Callion smiled as he looked at the ground. "I thought about getting back here one day. Every day I pushed myself past my limits to fight harder. I pushed myself through starvation, injury, and exhaustion. Though one day... I reached my limit."

"That's when Callion got his new form!" Zayd said as he jumped into the air while throwing his fists into the air.

Goku and Vegeta's eyes widened while Callion shushed his tiny friend.

"A new form?" Vegeta asked while uncrossing his arms.

"It's nothing," Callion said, silently begging them to drop the subject.

"I want to see it," Vegeta said angrily.

"I kind of want to see it as well," Piccolo said while looking closely at Callion.

"Come on guys I don't think he wants to show us right now. We could at least wait until he's ready," Gohan said while looking at the rest of the Z-fighters.

Vegeta scoffed. "Are you telling me that you don't want to see his new form? The form that could very well surpass anything that we've seen before. His power could be so much higher than ours now. I know you didn't see his fight with Buu, but I did and I know that he was just toying with him."

"That's not true," Callion interjected. "None of my physical attacks did anything to him except make him mad."

"Please spare me!" Vegeta shouted the words. "We all know you aren't a normal Saiyan like Kakarot and myself. You knew that your physical attacks wouldn't do anything and you only used your ki attacks when needed to destroy that cloud."

"Not true," Callion said with his head down.

"Why are you so scared to show your power?" Vegeta asked in an angry shout. "You're a Saiyan. A weird one, but a Saiyan all the same. Stick your chest out show us your power!"

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