Chapter 26: New Arc

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Callion smiled and watched as his child, Zuko, walk clumsily around with his arms spread out wide for balance. Zuko's eyes were wide with wonder as his long brown hair stood up on his head. His large black eyes were as prominent as his light skin.

For Callion, there was a rush of happiness that filled his body when Zuko was born. Zuko was his legacy, his heart, his son...

Lazuli walked into their apartment with a tired expression on her face. Lately she's been working all night long with Bulma and hadn't been able to get much sleep during the day due to her responsibilities. She'd been so worried about who the father of the child was that she didn't even think about all the things that came along with having a child and how it absolutely ruins a person's personal time. Still though, she felt an incredible amount of happiness as she walked through the door and saw her man staring lovingly at their child. Her family.

"Hey, Laz," Callion said with a smile on his face. "You should get some rest before I take off. Actually, I could take Zuko along with me if you really need the rest." His words came out as sincere as he wanted them too.

"No you don't have to take him with you. Who knows the amount of demons who might want you dead in the demon realm so I think he'll be safer here with me. Regardless, I want to spend a little more time with him."

Callion nodded his head and stood up. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her closer, and sighed in deeply. "Don't you think you work too hard?"

Lazuli laughed. "If you think I work too hard then you don't look at yourself in the mirror enough. You work as a plumber, take care of our son like the father you are, stay dominant in the demon realm, train, and show love to two women. You are the very definition of working too hard."

"How about we come to an agreement. We both work too hard."

She look into his eyes and smiled. "I can agree with that." She lifted up on her toes and gave Callion a quick kiss before pushing him away carefully. It was clear that neither one of them wanted to let go but Callion had responsibilities she didn't want him to miss out on.

He took one deep breath before opening a portal to the demon realm. When he stepped in, he was met by his wife, Towa, who had a stressed look on his face.

"Hey, you ok?" Callion asked with worry in his eyes. He walked over to Towa and gave her a tight hug to let her know that he was there. She instantly melted into his arms and allowed some of the stress to leave her body.

"The usual. Nothing is going out of control, but nothing is going quite right either. There are monsters getting closer to civilization and it's getting harder for some of the soldiers to deal with them."

"Are they training everyday?" Callion asked.

Towa nodded.  "They just aren't getting much stronger anymore but the monsters seem more driven to come here for some reason. Many of my men has been looking into it but they haven't found anything useful yet. I tried to get Mira to take care of it but he's nowhere to be found. He's been acting strange ever since you married me."

The Saiyan nodded his head in understanding. "Mira has never been fond of me so it doesn't surprise me. I can handle the monster situation so don't worry about that but continue letting your men search for the reason."

Towa sighed in relief and Callion out a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You're doing an amazing job by yourself but don't forget that I'm here for you. You should probably go out sometime and hang out with some of your friends. Your stylist has been around a lot lately."

The queen smiled while tilted her head slightly. "My stylist is only around to style my hair. We aren't anywhere near friends. Regardless, I'm not the type of girl who likes to go out. What would make me really happy is see my soldiers being capable of doing things on their own for once in their lives."

Callion laughed as he started walking to the window. "I'll give them a good motivational speech for you to pump up their blood. I'll be back soon."

With that, Callion was off, leaving Towa in her room to think about things moving forward. If Callion was going to take care of the monsters, then she needed to focus on what was next. She could either search for Mira, or sign some new laws to help transform the image of the demon realm some more. She tried her best to get rid of the bad image of the demon realm but the civilians were making it easy. Whenever they escaped from the demon realm, their violence rampaged and caused their reputation to continue down a negative road.

She knew that she could immediately turn every demon good, but she hated having to do it gradually. Changing small laws so that the demons wouldn't catch on too quickly.

Eventually she laid down in bed after signing just a few laws. When her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light until she suddenly felt a body laying next to her. She groaned as she lifted her head slightly to see who had woken her up but suddenly realized that she didn't mean to fall asleep in the first place. She had only wanted to rest her eyes for a bit but now she could tell that it was pitch black outside.

"Go back to sleep, beautiful," Callion whispered as he pressed his lips against her forehead.

Before she could ask him how everything went, her eyes shut as the drowsiness had once again taken over her body.

It took a bit longer for Callion to finally fall asleep until suddenly his eyes shot open and he jumped out of bed with Towa in his arms. The bed exploded and pieces of wood bounced off Callion's bare back. His unfocused eyes saw a figure standing in front of him. A dark figure with a familiar ki signature but he was too tired to think about who it could be and his eyes were still unfocused even though he was looking directly at his attacker.

Towa reached out her hand and a ki blast shot from her palm.

The figure easily dodged it and laughed before it suddenly disappeared inside of a portal. Callion wanted to jump after him but he realized that he had Towa in his arms. Though he knew that she could take care of herself, he didn't want to put her in anymore danger. Regardless, he didn't know if they guy was after him or after Towa. That was important information that he would need to know in order to keep the people that he care about safe.

That's when the portal dawned on him.

If his attacker was after him, then he could possibly be after Zuko and Lazuli as well.

His heart raced as he thought about all of the things that could happen to them.

With Towa still in his arms, Callion opened a portal and stepped into it only to find himself back in his quiet home. Everything looked fine as he looked around his living room, but when he walked into his bedroom he noticed that Lazuki and Zuko wasn't there.

He rushed outside and jumped high into the air. The wind brushing harshly against his ears, temporarily blocking out all wounds until he got used to it.

As he looked around, his eyes widened and his phone rang. There was fire everywhere and collapsed buildings all over the place. Sirens rang from as far as he could hear. The entire sky was dark from smoke and the heat from the fires were so hot that Callion could feel them from where he was floating.

"What the hell... happened here?"

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