Chapter 27: Threat or Threats?

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Callion and Towa flew around until they eventually found all of the Z-fighters sitting in front of Roshi's home with their families. He didn't care about anyone except his family and looked around as quickly as he could until his eyes finally landed on Lazuli and Zuko. Lazuli held Zuko close to her chest as he slept peacefully as if the world wasn't on fire. He admired a child's ability to stay ignorant of the things around them. He looked at the rest of the Z-fighters and noticed that they all had defeated looks on their faces though none of them looked injured in the slightest.

He and Towa landed on the soft sand which caused everyone to quickly look up at them. Callion quickly put his hands up to show them that he wasn't a threat and they all quickly relaxed.

Lazuli rushed over to Callion and he wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could while also being careful for Zuko's sake.

"What happened?" Callion asked.

"Someone blew up every city here in a matter of seconds. We could even respond to help anyone and we didn't even see who did it so we just started trying to evacuate areas until the government took over," Piccolo explained with his head down.

"Did any of you get a read on his power level?"

"His? You know who did this?" Vegeta asked angrily as he stood up but Bulma grabbed his arms to keep him seated.

Callion shook his head from side to side. "Someone attacked me and Towa a little while ago. When I was sure the demon realm was ok I grabbed Towa and came here as fast as I could only to find this place in chaos. I don't know who did it but I think they are mortal because I could sense his power."

Vegeta scoffed.

Gohan looked over at Callion. "If this is the same guy, is it possible for a regular person to just travel through dimensions like that?"

Towa nodded as she took a step in front of Callion. "Anyone can get into the demon realm if they know how. Rituals, portals, and other things will allow just about anyone to enter the demon realm. What we need to do is figure out who and why."

Piccolo nodded. "They attacked both of you and attacked Earth so I'm assuming they are after Callion?"

"But why?" Callion asked.

"We don't know," Towa said with a worried expression on her face.

Vegeta laughed. "You destroyed countless lives before and after that war. Are you surprised that you would walk away with a few enemies remaining? No one is immune to revenge and someone must want it." Everyone got quiet as they pondered what Vegeta had said.

Their silence lasted so long that Callion wasn't sure it would ever end. His mind was on the run trying to come up with different reasons for someone to want to kill him but he couldn't find anything else. That was the only thing that could have possibly made since. They came after him and then his planet because they wanted revenge for what he'd done to them in the past. Even though it was a tough pill to swallow, he had to do it nonetheless.

"Wait let's gather more information first. When did they attack happen? If they happened at the same time then we can assume that this wasn't an attack focused on Callion for the most part. It could have just been two separate attacks completely He attacked us directly and when we came here y'all was already attacked. If the attacked happened after he attacked us then we would have been here to see everything unfold."

"So you think that the attack happened at the same time?" Gohan asked.

"Probably," Towa said. "At the end of the day it's all just speculation so we'll just assume two things. First is that we all have someone to fight and second is that Callion may have an enemy."

"That low-class warrior can fight his own battles! He reaped what he has sown!" Vegeta shouted.

Zayd and Kai suddenly appeared in front of him with angry looks on their faces. They had blasts ready to fire just in case Vegeta did anything after his outburst but Vegeta wasn't fazed. He was confident that he could take them on without even breaking a sweat but Zayd and Kai thought differently.

"Low-class? Callion outclasses you in every way," Zayd spoke and Kai nodded in agreement.

Vegeta scoffed and rolled his eyes. "If you think that him and that ultra whatever is stronger than me then you must be mistaken. He may have been stronger than me at one point, but it's been a year and I've improved tremendously."

"We all have. Callion hasn't been slacking either."

Vegeta scoffed again. "You don't have to kiss the ground he walks on. He have two women to do that for you."

"That's enough!" Callion shouted.

"Why?" Vegeta shouted back. "Is it not enough for you to have two women? Do you need a third? You've taken Krillin's woman, who's is next? Mine or Kakarot's? Maybe even Gohan is more your style!"

Goku stood up with an angry look on his face. He didn't like where Vegeta was taking this and didn't want it to go on any further if he had anything to say about it. Things were already stressful enough without all the yelling and fighting. Everyone was so tense and Goku could feel it radiating off their bodies like an aura. The only one who seemed relaxed was Roshi but that might have been because he was too busy staring at Lazuli and Towa to even listen to the conversation at all. Still, Goku knew he needed to do something in order to stop the fighting."Alright Vegeta we should put this energy into something more productive."

"Shut up Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted. "You're all weak. Callion, if this threat has anything to do with you then take your sorry ass back up to space along with your problems."

Callion narrowed his eyes.

"He might be right," Krillin spoke with a tired look on his face. "We already knew that things would get back but you're changing things. You seem just as surprised as everyone else is about this attack so I'm pretty sure that means that this didn't happen in the tv version of us, right? If none of us died in that version then there is no telling what will happen now that something has changed."

The Saiyan looked down at the ground. "Something always changed. I wasn't supposed to be on Namek, yet I was. I'm not supposed to be here in general so-"

"Then leave!" Vegeta yelled.

Gohan's eyes widened.

Callion took a step forward with his jaws flexed. "I was born into this world just like you. I remember my parents and how they looked when I was taken from them. I've developed relationships, friendships, and even have my own child. I have a job, pay bills, and handle my responsibilities. Honestly, I think I live in this word more than you do seeing as that you can't seem to adjust to anything around you. Fighting is the only thing on your mind so it's no wonder you can't seem to form a good bond with your son or even Bulma."

The prince grabbed Callion by the neck and lifting up from the ground but Callion stared at him as if he was unfazed. "Krillin should have impregnated that robot instead of you. Bastard."

He smiled. "Maybe I should impregnate yours seeing as I could treat her better," Callion choked out with a confident grin on his face.

"Enough!" Lazuli shouted as she kicked Vegeta's arm away from Callion's neck while also causing tons of sand to fly high into the air. "You both should be ashamed of yourselves. We aren't just objects to be passed around and the fact that you are speaking about such a subject is repulsive. If you are both royalty then act like it!"

Callion looked at Lazuli with shock on his face, then a smile slowly formed. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're right, I'm sorry. It won't happen again because you know I have a lot of respect for everyone here. Thanks for getting my head in straight."

She simply nodded and kissed his cheeks.

"For now we should all just get a bit of rest and worry about everything tomorrow. Keep one eye open just in case whoever responsible comes back for more."

"Don't tell me what to do," Vegeta said as he took off flying. Sand flew up as well causing everyone to choke.

"We'll meet back here tomorrow." Piccolo then slowly began flying away to prevent kicking up any sand.

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