Chapter 17: Towa

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Callion made it to the apartment he'd been staying in and looked in the mirror. His body was full of bruises, cuts, and dirt. The Saiyan jumped into the shower and began cleaning himself until he felt like he was clean. He made sure to wash his body thoroughly but as he was showering he thought about the battle that had happened earlier.  He wasn't as strong as he needed to be.

That much he knew.

He also knew that he had hit a wall. One that he couldn't overcome. The same wall that he'd tried to overcome for years yet he still couldn't find a way to get any stronger than he was.

At that moment he remembered what would happen in the next few months. The God of Destruction would come to Earth with hopes of fighting a Saiyan god.

"But there isn't a Saiyan god yet," Callion said to himself while stepping out of the shower and drying himself off. Instead of immediately putting on clothes, he bandaged himself up to cover his wounds. After he was finished, he threw on some clothes and looked at himself in the mirror once again.

He took a deep breath and his chest ached a bit. "I could become the Saiyan god, but my body might not absorb the power like Goku's did. Also he wouldn't have anyone to fight so that he could used to the power. Can I truly not get ahead in this world?"

"You should really get out of your own head, Callion," a voice spoke and the Saiyan turned to look at the intruder who somehow knew his name.

His eyes widened when the landed on a familiar face.


"Hello, Callion," she said with a wave of her staff.

The Saiyan quickly got into a fighting stance and his eyes began to focus on the figure behind the woman in front of him. Mira was his name.

"Relax, we aren't here to fight." Towa's staff disappeared and she stepped fully into the apartment. She looked around and got a feel of the unfamiliar room she was in and eventually sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. "We're just here to talk. It's up to you if you want to listen."

"I don't," Callion responded.

"Give her a chance first!" Mira said aggressively. There was clear fighting intent in his eyes that Callion was choosing not to ignore.

"No. You look like you're ready to pounce so I won't take the chance of trying to listen to you both. I know what you want and I won't let you break the seal of the demon realm!"

"I don't want to talk to you about that but I don't want that anymore. My race is perfectly fine in the demon realm. What I want to talk to you about is discussing the God of Destruction."

"Is he here already?" Callion asks with widened eyes and fear coursing through his body.

Towa put her hands up. "No. From what I've gathered he won't be here until another 6 or 7 months so we should have time to prepare."

"So what specifically do you want? He won't be coming after you or anyone else in the demon realm."

"It's because I don't want my race to be left behind in terms of power. You earthlings have the tendency to rise up to every occasion meanwhile mine is being left in the dust. My brother was just killed and you're so much stronger than him. I imagine it won't be long before your friends become just as strong as you. In my realm, the demon race isn't nearly as strong as you all."

"You're giving earthlings to much credit. Only my friends are this strong but the rest of the Earthlings aren't nearly as strong as us. That's why we try our best to protect those who can't protect themselves."

"We want to do the same thing. I want to protect my people the same as you."

"I won't fall for your manipulation!"

"She doesn't want to waste her time manipulating you!" Mira yelled angrily as he took another step. Callion quickly got into his fighting stance.

Towa stood up from the chair angrily. "Enough, Mira! You don't need to be so aggressive while talking to him."

"Why not? Are you taking a liking to him, Mira? We've been watching him since he returned to this weak planet and I think you've become infatuated with him."

Callion's eyes widened.

"Mira, get out. Now!" she demanded as the staff reappeared in her hands. Mira grunted in anger but eventually followed her command. They watched as he stepped out of the window but stayed close enough to protect Towa if needed.

Towa looked at Callion once again but this time there was a new look in her eyes. He noticed it for just a moment before the look in her eyes suddenly become serious and focused. She sat back down on the chair and took a relaxing sigh.

"I just want to grow stronger with you and your friends."

"How would I know that you won't just use me to get stronger then try to kill me later? I know that you're 100% capable of evil and I'm sure you won't hesitate to stab me in the back."

Towa crossed her legs and laid her staff down on the table. "If you don't trust me then we could form a contract so that neither of us break any agreement that we come up with."

"I won't form a contract with a demon princess. If you want to grow stronger then you have to train and get peers that's also willing to get stronger as well. Use those around you to increase your power and always look for strong people to test yourself. You don't need to make an enemy out of everyone you meet, becoming stronger can be fun if done right," Callion explained.

Towa looked down at the ground as she pondered the words he was saying.


A/N: Alright I won't make any excuses on this short chapter so I'll just explain what I've been up too. 

1. I got a dog. He's a German Shepherd puppy that is now only 8 weeks old. He's been keeping me up all night, constantly begging for things that I don't even understand, I'm also a college student and I work so my plate is kind of full. (Everyone say hello to Kuma!)

2. I plan on becoming an actual author so I tend to focus on my original works more than my fanfictions. What I mean by that is when I have little time to write, I tend to just focus on my original works even though my fanfictions get more traction... sad right? Regardless that's the reality of my situation.

3. I don't have a third reason.

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