Chapter 30: Assassin

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Callion worked diligently to get Earth back on track. Moving rubble, helping police departments, and helping firefighters. He wasn't the only one though. The other Z-fighters had also been helping out, revealing the secret of those with immense strength and power. Many called them superheroes, but they had no idea how much they had done for the Earth. Piccolo hated the attention, but not as much as he hated sensing Callion's energy from afar. They all made sure to stay away from him with all of their might. Fearing that a fight would break out between those who were supposed to be friends with unbreakable trust between one another, that wasn't the case anymore. Everyone could feel a civil war coming.

Krillin and Piccolo wanted Callion dead.

Goku and Gohan were on the fence but of course, they sided more with their closest friend.

Tien and Yamcha also sided with Krillin and Piccolo.

The only people Callion had left were Towa, Lazuli, Kai, and Zayd who believed him wholeheartedly. They knew how much Callion cared for his friends and Towa had personally seen Callion get attacked by a mysterious figure. They were absolutely sure that Callion didn't have anything to do with it so they would stick by his side regardless.

Lazuli noticed how much Callion wasn't sleeping at all. Everynight she'd fall asleep wrapped in his arms, only to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and see Callion sitting in a chair while watching them all carefully. He always noticed when she had woken up, and she knew that he noticed as well.

One day when she awoken, Callion was glaring out of the window as if he was looking at death himself. His body looked stiff, but weak at the same time like it was barely holding itself together. She got tired of looking at him that way and decided to finally get up to do something about it.

She got up slowly and walked with a subtle sway of hers until she finally stepped in front of Callion. His eyes slowly turned to hers and she could see the pure exhaustion inside of them. Just ready for a single second to rest.

"Get in bed, Cal," Lazuli said as she held him inside of her arms, pressing his face up against her breasts. "You've done enough and it's been two weeks since anything had happened."

"What if-"

"It doesn't matter," she said, cutting him off from finishing his sentence. "You'll be no good in you're too tired to fight."

"Trust me, I won't be to tired to fight."

She looked at him with worry in her eyes. She brushed the hair from his face and cupped his check gently. "Trust me, you can rest."

Callion's eyes widened, but then relaxed until they eventually shut without opening again. Finally falling into the slumber that he needed. She could hear the soft and gentle snores coming from his mouth. He leaned into her fully and she had to put in more effort to keep herself upright. She carefully picked him up and placed him beside Zuko and Towa who were both on the bed sleeping soundly.

She sat down on the chair that Callion was sitting on  and watched them all. They were her family and she wanted to do whatever it took to protect her family. Someone was aiming for Callion and she wouldn't let them have him. Not without a fight.

As she watched the moon begin to fall, another explosion happened but this time Callion wasn't anywhere near it. Though she did feel his familiar energy in the distance, she knew for sure it wasn't him. She wouldn't be caught off guard though. The trick was already known and she would be sure to catch whoever did it in the act.

Lazuli flew out of the window only to turn around when she noticed Towa behind her.

"What are you doing?" Towa asked. "If you go out there then they'd find a way to spin it and blame Callion. We have to think carefully about this."

"I am thinking carefully. I don't have an energy signature so whoever is copying Callion won't even know I'm around," Lazuli said with an irritated look on her face. Towa looked at her with a look of disapproval on her face while scrunching her nose up. The wind blew both of their hair all over the place before it finally settled down again.

"This is going to be a mistake. Callion wouldn't want you going out there like this. I know you're a capable fighter, but there are forces out there that we know nothing about."

Another explosion happened which once again came from an energy signature that felt like Callion's. That was the last straw. Lazuli couldn't take it anymore.

Without any hesitation, Lazuli dashed out of the window and sped toward the energy with blazing speed until she finally reached it in no time. Her eyes widened when she saw the figure in front of her. It looked like a Namekian, only this was one completely white and had no antennas. It wore a black hood, and the rest of his body was covered in white bandages like he'd just fought in a battle. The being stood at Piccolo's height but was much skinnier like he hadn't eaten well in months. The best way she could describe it was like looking at a mummy.

Lazuli quickly dashed toward the creature before it could fire off another blast and slammed her fist into the side of the creatures face. The creature slammed into the ground beneath them.

When the dust settled, Lazuli saw the creature staring up at her.

"I didn't expect anyone to come so soon. I thought I was tracking everyone pretty well but I suppose I must have miscalculated the fact that you don't have an energy signature. I won't assume what you are but I find you familiar." His voice was raspy and dry but words sounded sophisticated and well thought out. He placed his hands under his chin as he thought about why she seemed so familiar but then it suddenly clicked which made him snap his fingers.

Lazuli tilted her head in confusion.

"I remember now. He told me not to touch you if you got in my way so you're lucky today. I won't lay a finger on you for the purpose of not breaking my contract."


The creature nodded. "I am an assassin and that is the extent of the information I am willing to share. Until next time, woman."

"Wait, I'll hire you!" Lazuli yelled before the creature could disappear. It turned to her with curious eyes while waiting to hear more of the offer. "However much your contractor is paying you, I'll double it."

It laughed. "I don't know if you could do that. You'll have to give me two souls instead of one but you don't even have a soul to give. Nonetheless, you don't even have a soul that'll be more juicer than Callion's."

Lazuli's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your energy is nonexistent so that means you don't have a soul."

The worry left Lazuli's eyes as she realized what the misconception was. "I have a soul, I'm just a lot different. Regardless, are souls your only form of payment. Callion is literally the king of demons. I'm sure there are some souls that you can take that'll quench your thirst." When the words left Lazuli's mouth she could almost hear Towa yelling at her about offering her race as food.

"Tempting, but I'm having a bit of fun at the moment."

"Fun? You're literally killing people!"

"Isn't it great! All of the blood, the screams, and the anger! It's all just so amazing and it'll only get better once Callion finally catches me! Seeing him reach a limit will be amazing but it's more than just that. His friends are slowly turning on him because they think that it's him killing all of these people. His energy is everywhere along with blood that remains of the innocent, or not so innocent. He will keep explaining himself while his friends will keep insisting that it was him who did it and it'll drive him insane. He's already losing sleep and next will be his mind."

Lazuli's eyes were wide but her aura suddenly shot around her body, surrounding it in a blue glow. "You..." was all she had said before she launched herself at the creature. Her fist made contact with the creature once more before she began beating him with a wide variety of moves. She danced in the air as she slammed the creature into the ground, twisted it's body to hell, and continued to utterly punish the creature.

"So strong," the creature muttered in its raspy voice. "Sadly it doesn't matter. This body is but a vessel that I use to travel with. You can kill me but I'll return so that I can finish tormenting Callion. Besides, I'm not the only one who was hired to kill him. Even Bojack wants him dead."

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