"Like every day?"


"That's so cool......"

The two girls walked down the stairs to see mrs. Wheeler and Mike sitting at the table in silence, the two walked over and Nancy pointed to where robin should sit next to her.

They all sat in silence for a while, until Mike finished and walked away.

"Mike!" Mrs. Wheeler called to him as he walked away.

But he just ignored her and continued walking back to his room.

"Ignore him mom he's just...." Nancy said

"Yeah your right. so anyway you two, what's going on their?"

The two girls just looked at each other confused.

"What do you mean?" Robin asked nervously

"Girls.. do you think I'm stupid"

"Umm" "Uhh" the two girls said at the same time


"Okay....." Nancy said squeezing robins hand hard under the table.


"So me and Robin are sorta kinda maybe dating..."

"Mhm mhm" is all Robin could squeeze out

"That's what i thought"

"And your f-fine with it?" Nancy said surprised

"Yeah, I'm fine with it."

"Really?" Robin said

"Wow, well im more than just fine with it I've gone out with a few girls before"

"What?!" Nancy practically yelled

The three of them just sat in silence for the rest of dinner as none of them were sure what to say. The two girls went upstairs.

"Can you maybe stay the night? Maybe?" Nancy said looking up at robin sadly

"Yeah sure i can stay with you, but i might need to borrow some clothes"

"Yeah of course, thanks.. for you know being there for me"

"Of course, honey"

Nancy grabbed the two pairs of pyjamas.

"I'll go change in the bathroom be right back" robin said as she walked out of the room

Robin changed quickly before walking back to the room, she opened the door before realizing nancy was not wearing a shirt, robin blushed and quickly closed the door hoping nancy didn't notice.

"Rob you can come in now"

"Sorry i should have knocked first" robin muttered as she walked into the room

"It's okay Rob"

That's when Robin noticed the tears that were gathered in Nancys eyes.

"Nance sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I s-saw the stuffed b-bunny and it-" nancy cut herself off as she started sobbing loudly

Robin walked over and picked nancy up in her arms and just hugged her, Nancy sobbed more into robins chest. Soaking the shirt robin was wearing.

"Shh sh sweetheart it's ok, I'm here for you honey" robin muttered quietly

Nancy whined sadly and looked up at robin.

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok honey, your allowed to cry. what happened?"

"I s-saw the stuffed bunny i was going to g-give h-holly for her b-birthday"

"Oh honey, that must have been hard for you"


Nancy pulls away from robin

"I'm sorry i made your shirt all wet with my tears"

"It's ok nance, it's your shirt anyway"

She wiped the tears off of Nancys cheeks with her thumbs causing Nancy to blush.

"Should we go to bed now?" Nancy questioned

"Yeah probably"

The two of them laid down and cuddled together, Nancy clicked the lamp off and cuddled closer to robin.

"Goodnight, Rob"

"Night night nance"

After a few hours of sleeping robin was woken up by Nancy shaking and whining in her sleep.

"Nance?" Robin asked gently hugging her

She felt Nancys arms wrap around her waist slowly. Robin gently rubbed Nancys back and just hold her as she cries nancy snuggles closer into the comfort of her girlfriend the two sat there for an hour before she finally muttered something into robins chest.

"I'm sorry, i had a nightmare" is what she muttered

"It's ok honey"

Nancy cuddled closer to robin again and the two fell asleep in that position. After a couple hours robin wakes up at around 8:30. She gently kissed Nancys head before carefully moving Nancys arms off of herself and leaving the room. She quickly uses the washroom before going downstairs where she finds mrs. Wheeler standing in the kitchen.

"Good morning Robin"

"Morning mrs. Wheeler"

"You want some coffee?"

"Oh sure, thank you" robin said as she sat down at the kitchen island.

"I wanted to thank you" mrs. Wheeler said as she handed robin her coffee.

"For what?"

"For being there for Nancy"

"Oh of course, i really care about her"

"Did she have any nightmares last night? I'm just wondering as shes often loud in the night due to the nightmares"

"Yeah she did"

"Oh th-" mrs. Wheeler was cut off by Nancy walking down the stairs.

"Morning mom, morning Rob"

"Morning nance"

"Good morning, honey"

Nancy wrapped her arms around robin's shoulders.

"Thanks for getting me through the nightmare last night honey" Nancy whispered in robins ear before sitting down next to her, and sipping the coffee that mrs. Wheeler had just handed her.

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