✌️ dawson rohan darling ✌️

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dawson is an expressive person. he feels and expresses his emotions strongly. his face has never been able to hide any emotion, ever. what you see is what you get with dawson, which makes him extremely honest— almost to the point of brutality. he's passionate, particularly about running, the environment, turtles, and romance. he's a happy person, he supposes he'd say. he laughs a lot, at least, and he's known to be rather chatty at times, at least in terms of that he likes to communicate often to those he knows well. he's sweet and kind and an absolutely wonderful friend to have. he's a bit of a gossip, always sharing the latest tea he knows with you (and not being afraid to really get into it). dawson is one of the most trustworthy and hardworking individuals one could meet. when at work or thinking, his brow is lowered in his 'thinking face.' dawson is ambitious as well, a young man eager to prove the world wrong about him. he is on the come up, and he knows it. dawson may not be the brightest in terms of catching onto context clues or making inferences. he tended to struggle at school and require some extra support there, although in the real world, he seems to get on just fine. often, he simply doesn't get something someone is referencing, and must ask "what" or "why" multiple times before he is satisfied. he supposes he is also just a curious person. dawson is brutally stubborn. he won't listen to any suggestions after he has made up his mind. he always has been, and he believes he always will be. dawson is incredibly friendly very quickly and way too forgiving. he will introduce himself immediately and start chatting without a second thought. he can tend to over-share as well and intimidate people. he is importantly also extremely blunt. he does not sugar-coat anything he says. if he believes someone looks unkempt, he will ask why. if he thinks someone is not living up to their capabilities, he will tell them. dawson speaks his truth. he asks questions that are considered rude. he makes jokes that are considered rude (among them, particularly salient impressions of others).

— mint-chocolate chip ice cream, running, adrenaline, his jeep, biking, swimming, his dog, oatmeal, chia seeds, peanut butter, bananas, watermelon, indian food, backwards baseball caps, being barefoot, flip-flops, fruit, chocolate-covered strawberries, dogs, yoga, incense, meditation, surfing, his friends, babies, cooking, sunrises, horseplay, being shirtless, bandanas, social media, tennis, women, pancakes, weddings, spicy food, loud music, chai, sushi, travelling, road trips, coconut water, cooking classes.

— sunglasses, long reading, cold weather, cats, button-down shirts, rain, white sauce, red meat (he doesn't eat it), hot drinks (he always burns himself), egg, strict rules, aquariums, dress shoes, when people forget to sign, the education system, hiccups, most chocolate, ignored texts, boredom, being excluded, limitations, doing the dishes, being away from his dog, boats, fried food, holiday stress, white walls, judgmental people, overcooked rice, baking, flowers.

mother— his mother, leah hoffman darling, a jewish woman who has lived in australia all he life, is forty-seven years old. she is a lawyer who has a crazy schedule. as such, she tends to be at the office quite a bit, and always rushing. when dawson was a kid, it wasn't unusual for her to rush out the door at five am, leaving behind a banana and a granola bar for each of her children who then had to walk to school. she loved her children, though, and never missed one of their birthdays. she even brought each of them to the office once. her secret favorites are the twins, but she'd never tell anyone that. in all honesty, at times she found it difficult to connect to dawson, but she truly does love him. she is naturally a very driven, independent person, and with dawson being so affectionate and to her, emotional, she felt like they didn't connect as well as her other children and her. she is also disappointed he didn't attend university, although she supports his work. she just thinks it could be better served with a degree. her sign language is good, although since dawson's moved out, she can forget to use it at times. she is a fabulous hostess and a very fantastic listener. she's an active listener, meaning that she shuts off her phone, asks questions, and everything.

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