I finish the rest of my doughnut and coffee before wiping my face and hands off with my napkin. Eddie walks down the hall, looking absolutely delectable in his shorts. I stand up and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my chin against his chest as I lean back to look up at him.

"See, what are they going to have to say? You look so good in shorts. So good, in fact, that I can't wait to get them off of you later." I murmur, kissing just below his Adam's apple.

"Let's see if either one of us has the energy after today and if so, I'll hold you to that promise," he chuckles, running his hands lovingly up and down my back.

I know he's right and I'm glad he's thought of it. I hate to disappoint, but I know moving can be a pretty exhausting endeavor.

A knock sounds at the door and Eddie kisses the top of my head before moving around me to answer it. Steve, Robin, Chrissy, Max, El, Lucas, Mike, Dustin, and Will are all just beyond the door. It's like walking into a loud room. They are all talking at once and about what? Who knows? It's always like this and honestly, if they were ever quiet and still, I'd be afraid for my life.

"Good morning, mom and dad," Steve calls loudly with a smirk on the threshold and Eddie and I smile at one another before saying good morning to everyone.

"How the hell did you get everyone here?" Eddie asks, taking a quick head count. Steve's car definitely couldn't hold everyone.

"We took my car and Chrissy's. And we may or may not have made Dustin ride in the trunk," Steve says sheepishly and Dustin scowls.

"Fair enough," Eddie shrugs and he gestures for everyone to come in.

"Let's do this," Robin says cheerfully, looking around at all the boxes and Eddie and I start to direct everyone on what to do. About halfway through getting situated, Gareth and Jeff show up and jump in, eager to help. The boys prioritize the furniture and heavy boxes containing appliances my mom bought us and books while the girls carry out lighter boxes, bags of clothes, and light furniture like lamps, nightstands, and ottomans. We only use the truck for the big items. Otherwise, Mike has bought two wagons from his house that he convinced his little sister, Holly, to let us borrow. Since the other trailer is within walking distance, we stack small things inside the wagons and walk back and forth, genuinely having a good time with it.

"I think it'd be a good idea if you went to the new trailer and started getting things settled. You can take Chrissy and Robin and they can help you maneuver some of the big stuff." Eddie says after a while, placing his hand on my hip as he talks. I nod along to what he is saying, taking a quick sip of water. The afternoon sun is really beating down at this point and we are all sweaty and warm.

"El and Max can borrow Will to help move things back and forth. Do you know if we have any sunscreen?" Steve asks coming up behind Eddie. He looks concerned as his eyes roam over Max and El's faces. They are a little flushed in the cheeks. I shake my head, looking sadly up at them.

"I don't think so, but Wayne may have some under the bathroom sink." I say and Eddie takes a step towards the house as if he is going to go check.

"I have some sunscreen in my car," Chrissy calls happily as she steps out of the house with her keys in her hands. She pops the trunk of her car and after a moment, she comes around with a tube of sunscreen. Steve takes it from her and starts to rally the kids together, fussing at each of them to coat their skin before they continue what they were doing.

"He's gonna be a great mom someday," Chrissy says ruefully, watching after Steve as he lectures Dustin about needing sunscreen even if he is wearing a cap.

"You're one lucky lady, Chrissy," Eddie laughs, clapping her on the back and she smiles.

Chrissy, Robin, and I walk the short distance to the new trailer and head inside. There are boxes everywhere, but at least they are labeled. We set out just moving the correct boxes to the right rooms. As Max, El, and Will all take turns showing up with more stuff, we make sure everything gets moved to the right place.

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