𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲 || 𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐳

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it was the opportunity that you and jared had been dreaming of since the two of you were kids. you both grew up knowing you wanted to work in law enforcement.

"it's the big day, you ready?" jared asks when you hop in the passenger seat of his car outside your apartment.

"absolutely not." you tell him, laughing.

today was the last day of police academy, your final exam. you were being pepper-sprayed, tazed, the whole nine yards.

as you pull into the lot of the academy's training center, jared noticed your hands were shaking slightly. "you're gonna do great, i'm sure of it." he says, holding your shaking hand in his.

your breaths were shakey as you walked into the building. jared was holding your hand, rubbing a thumb against the back of your palm.

"alright, recruits. today's the big day. if you pass this final course, you're officially hired for the new york police department. your first task is the physical training course." the captain projects to a classroom full of recruits, including you and jared.

the group walks outside, mostly men, but a few women. there's 6 foot tall walls, a dummy drag, and other obstacles on the course.

you look over at jared, and he looks like he was born for this. you, on the other hand, looked terrified.

"you need to finish this course in under 2 minutes to pass." the captain says. the recruits start lining up in their positions. you line up on the line, bracing yourself.

"on your marks, get set, GO!" the captain shouts, pushing down on the stopwatch in his hand.

you start running forward, keeping all your focus on the course ahead of you. you place your hands on the 6 foot wall, hopping yourself over quickly. as you continue to run, there's a dummy you must drag across to the other side. after not even 30 seconds, you were out of breath.

as you pull through to the finish line, the captain stops his stopwatch for you.

"(l/n), 5 seconds to spare. nice job." he says, clapping a hand on your shoulder. you're bending over, out of breath with your hands placed on your knees.

jared was standing aside you, finishing about 10 seconds before you had. he pulled you in for a hug, placing a hand on your back, rubbing back and forth. "good job." he whispers to you.

"next course is firearm training!" the captain shouts. all of the recruits were out of breath, but that didn't matter. this was all a test of your pace.

the recruits are redirected to another area, this time, a long, narrow room, with wooden floors, and targets on the wall.

"alright everyone, these targets will turn every second or so! you're required to make accurate shots when the targets are facing you to pass this course! we need about 3 rounds to qualify as passing." the captain explains to the now smaller group of recruits, as not everyone made it past the physical course.

jared gave you a look, one you knew meant good luck, and you returned the gesture. an employee loaded the remaining recruits with their designated firearms. you stood in front of your line, finger on the trigger, lined up to the target.

as the target tuned to face you, you shot one round, landing on the target's chest. it turned against the wall, and you checked your gun. as it turned to you for the second time, you shot a round, this time hitting the targets shoulder.

you took a deep breath, anticipating the final shot. you had to land this accurately to pass this exam.

as the third target turned back towards you, you fired your third and final round, the bullet hitting the target's head. you let out a sigh of relief, and look over at jared, who of course, shot 3 perfect rounds.

jared looked over at you, smiling. you could tell how proud he was of you.

the captain began to speak. "next, and finally, is tazer and pepper spray training. brace yourself recruits, it's a tough one."

the final remaining recruits were led to another room. there were people geared up in black costumes as your assailants.

"recruits, you will have to try and fight back against the attackers. they have been armed with tasers and pepper spray. you're objective is to get the suspect on the ground and in handcuffs, while under the effects of being tased and pepper sprayed."

you took a deep breath in, terrified for what comes next.

"on your marks, get ready, set, GO!"

an armed man starts walking towards you quickly. you throw up a punch, but was soon after blinded by a burning sensation in your eyes. you fought threw it, your eyes shut, but still throwing punches and attempting to restrain the suspect. after, you feel a shock go threw your system. you're frozen still, unable to move. it was the effects of the taser.

as you're stuck frozen for about 10 seconds, the suspect continues to throw punches your way. immeadiatey after the frozen effect wares off, you use all your force and are able to get the suspect on the ground and into handcuffs.

you stand up, still unable to see due to the burning sensation in your eyes. you let out a relieving sigh, realizing you've passed all the courses, and are now an official officer.

to your suprise, you're engulfed in a hug. you can't see who it is, but you didn't have to. the smell of his cologne filled your nose. of course he was already able to see, he could get over stuff like this no problem.

"i'm so proud of you, officer l/n." jared jokes, as you feel him press a kiss to your forehead.

you turn your head up towards him, still unable to see him. "ready to take on new york together, officer vasquez?" you ask him.

"of course." he says, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

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