"That old crock drives me up the wall with his snide comments," Neil grumbled like he was against the idea of the call but still pulled up the required number.

Surprisingly the call was answered on the second ring.

"Are you on your way back? What did he demand?" Administrator Cho didn't care what the second son wanted, he needed to confirm the first son's answer to move forward with their plan.

"I-I-uh, I haven't met older brother yet. It seems that there are some issues at the hotel I'm staying. I need some additional money to tie up loose ends." The arrogance Neil bore while talking to the hotel staff and his mother disappeared. The subservient tone he now spoke in was for Cho, the trusted aide of his father. He didn't dare be rude to the man.

"You insignificant piece of trash. Do you know how much money is spent on you? One thing we've asked you to do but you decide to show your greedy ways by asking for more money. I have no time to indulge you; find a way to get that brat back here. It's best if you use his mother as bait, he will do anything for her." The administrator ended the call without waiting to hear from Neil. The latter felt like the world was crushing him from his head, down to his shoulders. How the fuck can he bring Jaejin back to New Mexico? The guy is always cautious around him. Ever since he was given this task, he thought of numerous plans but none gave him the feeling of success. He was a last-minute job. The older heads failed to put a leash on the little bitch so familial bond and age are the only things they can depend on. 

While Neil resolved himself to give his older brother a call, Blu informed their other friend of the present development. Reed Katiael, is a 4th generation heir. Similar to Blu, his future was already planned; in a few years, he will work for his family's company, gain his inheritance and marry whatever girl his folks arranged for him. Reed's reply to Blu's message was simple and indifferent. 

   - Okay. Let me know when the bill is settled.

It was clear that he wouldn't lift a finger to help Neil. To him, the half-Asian guy was a placeholder in that family. The one who can turn the tides is naturally the firstborn and from his outside view of the guy - power wasn't in his plans for the future. 

"I guess the pansy is your last resort. It's best if you get it over with but I highly doubt he will have that amount in his bank account," Blu commented. Neil wanted to give him a retort but stilled his tongue. This was his problem, roping in Blu and Reed will strain their friendship. He had another worry. Can Jaejin help pay that bill? The guy is a college student without the help of their father. Many doubts were on his mind but one thing completely left it - where was his money? Any rational thinking person would think along these lines but Neil was one who never thought about where his spending originates. He was keener on accepting the cash wholeheartedly and spending it all on his likes. 

Leaving Blu on the sofa, he walked to the balcony and pressed the call icon next to his brother's name. Putting the call on speaker, an automated voice pierced his ears. 
    'Your call has been forwarded to a private number. Please hold for connection.'
"Forwarded?" Neil frowned at this unexpected scene. Why did Jaejin change his number?

"Hello." The voice on the other end of the line didn't sound downtrodden like he expected. This voice held a pleasant, carefree tone. Didn't he know that their father held his future in his hands? What about his mother's safety? 

"Brother! It's Neil."

The silence was his reply. He swore the temperature dropped after he mentioned his name. There was no sound on Jaejin's end. Did he end the call?

"What is it?" 

The question was sharp and straightforward, a major change from his warm greeting a few seconds ago.

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