He paused to look at the display when he saw the seed he was looking for, fortunately the flower isn't rare or anything like that. So he went in and bought three packets of it then he goes out of there. As simple as that. Now all he has to do is... meet up with Tanah???

Now all three, has one red ear that stings from being pinched by Tanah.

While the four are walking down the streets where barely people ever comes to avoid the two acquaintances of Tanah, "Now why did you go out too?" Tanah asked Daun since he's been sniffling and apologizing, "I just... wanna buy some seeds and I... I didn't wanna... add your workload..!" Daun sobbed between his sentence and Tanah gave out a sigh, "Alright, I understand." Tanah paused from his tracks and the other three followed, Tanah faced all three before saying, "Look, I know you three have each of your own reasons and I understand but you have to listen. We can't get into trouble just cuz I left for a moment and— IS THAT??!?!" Tanah cut off his sentence when he saw other three elementals walking in a not-so-great disguise at a far distance down the street.

Api was wearing a flame beard that he saw in a store and it looked cool to him since it's fire and all, then Angin was wearing sunglasses and Air was wrapped in a sleeping bag and getting carried by Api.

Angin and Api then saw the four and went up to them, "Tanahhhh!!! Wooahhh, awesome! You guys are all here!!" Api beamed, "And you found Daun too!" Angin said and noticed Tanah's expression, "Don't worry, we made sure we locked the door if that's what you're worrying about." Angin explained but that wasn't it. So the two got pinched at the ear while Air was an exemption but Tanah will still scold him for not stopping them.


Just right before Api, Angin and Air met the four, they were buying Air's sleeping bag in a store and the all too familiar strangers saw them since they were also there to buy a sleeping bag.

Fortunately, all they saw were hats that were familiar to them but not the color though.

"Is it just me or Dino hats are popular these days?" the blonde said. The two were at the second floor looking down at the three boys who has similar hats but they couldn't recognize they're faces from the hats. What were they doing at the second floor you may ask? They're buying soup.

"Or could they be another twins of that boy??" The blonde is starting to theorize about this but Aizawa on the other hand, "Alright, that's enough of you, Hizashi." he said and if he wanted too, he'd like to drag him away from there. "We still have some business to do, there's no need for us pry." he reprimanded. "Mann... those Little Listeners with Dino hats must be some sort of look-a-likes group!" The blonde remarked since he's starting to recognize one of their faces, "Ow!" Hizashi shrieked, Aizawa had just kick in one of his feet to derail his attention from his little theorizing time. "If anyone were to see you eyeing on those boys for too long, they'd mistake you for a criminal. Come on!" Aizawa scolded, "Ah, ehe... right, right. Sorry." Hizashi complied and went after with Aizawa.

And now the two are buying sleeping bags, "Take the yellow one." Aizawa said and Hizashi followed, "You really love having a sleeping bag, huh?" Hizashi said, not really expecting an answer since he already knows just how much.

"Like they always say, sleep with a sheep and you get a drip of dreams." Hizashi turned to Aizawa but shrugged meaning he didn't say anything then turned to wherever who said that, "Down here..." a familiar voice called out from the floor, "Eh?! Little Lis— I mean, kid?!" Hizashi yelled out, "Why— why are you on the floor???" Hizashi asked, shocked at the scene that's unfolding in his eyes, the kid that he's seeing right now is wrapped in a blue sleeping bag and if it weren't for his blue eyes and hair getting covered, Hizashi would've thought it was the same kid in brown or white or green... or in yellow?? He doesn't know anymore! But one things for sure, he's a different kid now— is what Hizashi thinks.

Boboiboy Crossover: Meeting the BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now