Cause I wanted to (Bdoc)

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I needed bdoc fluff, i was hungry for new content.


I had ever seen Doc like this, and it was honestly freaking me out. So what did I do? I called Etho. 

Why was I freaking out over Doc's behavior? You may ask.

I'll bet you would be nervous if you had Doc, of all people clinging to your side like a koala and not saying a word. Just making a weird noise that sounded suspiciously like purring and cuddling up to your side. 

When I tried to get up he just growled and clung to my arm tighter, keeping me in place on my bed.

When I heard a loud knocking at the door I had to yell for them to come in, and even that earned a growl from Doc. 

When Etho arrived in my room he looked Doc and I up and down before bursting out laughing. "wHaT iS sO fUnNy??!?!?!" I yelled at the ninja. Then another growl from Doc. Etho kept his distance before explaining quietly.

"I haven't seen him like this since mindcrack... but it looks the same..." 

"Give me a straight answer Etho."

"Doc is a creeper."

"Very specific to this situation, I'll keep that in mind." I mumbled sarcastically.

"Just listen, Creepers are really affectionate, and Doc just LOVES to ignore that and push it away. So then after a while this will happen."

"He'll just... cling to people?"

"The person he feels most comfortable with, he'll let you get up in a few hours, you know for food and stuff. But then...back to that. Also, he's clinging to you, so don't let anyone else get too close, he'll get...protective."

"Anything else I should know?" I sighed, annoyance filling my words. 

"Don't be annoyed at him, he's not clinging to you on purpose. Plus he'll only do this for a month, starting today, So..." Etho drifted off, then he glanced at Doc for a split second, quickly rushing out of my room, and eventually my house. 


I was stuck like this for a month, that's all, I told myself. 

Pfft- stupid mistake.

During the first week I started with optimism, I had a vacation, Etho did all my shopping, It was only a month.

During the second week I was getting tired of being forced into being cuddled by a creeper. So I would routinely attempt escape, even when Doc was asleep he had an iron grip on me. 

The third week I had given up and just let it happen.

The fourth week I realized... maybe this wasn't terrible

I mean, after all it was comfortable, Doc's fur was pretty soft. He was gentle as well, I mean if I tried to leave he would grab onto my arm and pull me back, but when I was there? He would just loosely hold me. The purring was...comforting. Like how some people listen to rain to fall asleep, I had gotten used to falling asleep to that. I even found myself cuddling back, odd.


It was Friday, when had Doc first started this? Wednesday? Did I count my days wrong? Days do blur together when your in a room without windows. Maybe I had a few more days of this, good. 

When Doc finally woke up today we went to the kitchen together for a snack, then we took turns in the bathroom, while it was Doc's turn I went back to the bed, which was now a complete mess by the way. We had gotten more pillows and blankets to pile up in there, so what used to be a neatly made bed, was now more of a birds nest of sheets, I didn't mind in the slightest.

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