I clear my throat and dive in, completely sinking into my role as Dungeon Master and I watch as each of them leans in, hanging on my words. Even Steve sits up on the couch and leans over Mike's shoulder, making the lanky boy give him an odd look. 

We get closer to the changing point in my tale and I have to remind myself to breath deeply, to not jump the gun, and to ease into it. 

"The Cult of Vecna comes upon a tree in the middle of the woods. It is eerily placed and stands almost alone in a clearing. As they circle the tree, they realize there is a small wooden door at its base. How would like you to proceed?" I ask, looking up at the group and they huddle together. They talk quietly amongst themselves. 

The team has just finished a battle and has lost a lot. They are wary of this door and do not know how to proceed, not wanting to risk much. I can see the wheels turning, but I know Dustin. He has the most stamina and strength points and he is intrigued by this door and the possibility for there to be treasure beyond it. Or better yet, what if it leads somewhere. He volunteers himself to open the door. He rolls and I smile as it lands on a twelve, allowing him to do so. 

"Pardonme Belchin," I say, using Dustin's character name. "Moves forward and turns the little wooden knob on the door. It creaks slowly open to reveal a hallow wooden cabinet. At the bottom of the cabinet, there is an item and he picks it up, inspecting it before he turns to the group." 

I look up and make eye contact with Dustin. I nod towards the gift and he reaches out and opens it, his fingers tearing the paper. My heart hammers in my chest as I watch him. Every one's eyes are on him and he pulls the present open and looks down at the cloth in his hands. Steve leans heavily on the back of Mike's chair, making Mike cringe away from him. 

Dustin's eyes widen and light up as he looks down at the onesie in his hands. His eyes jump up to meet mine and I can see his hands shaking aggressively. 

"Read it, Dustin," I nod and he gulps. His eyes glisten slightly as he looks back down at the onesie and reads aloud. 

"New party member on the way."

He turns the onesie to show the group and they collectively gasp. Steve reaches out and snatches the onesie from Dustin's hands, his eyes searching the infant clothes. Gareth and Jeff jump up from their chairs and nearly tackle me to the floor, roaring in excitement. I laugh loudly as Will, Lucas, and Mike jump up and join them, patting me on the back and whooping. I peek over at Dustin and he is trying to discretely wipe his tears on the collar of his shirt, his face already puffy and red. I move towards him and pat him on the back. He wraps his arms around my waist, catching me off guard and I hug him around the shoulders as he cries. 

"You stupid, fucker," he grumbles. "Why would you have me be the one to open it? Now, I'm a mess." 

I laugh again, unable to contain my happiness. Steve stands up and moves forward, still clutching the onesie. He looks so dumbfounded, his lips parted in a startled look that I jokingly reach forward and push his chin closed. He shakes his head and swats my hand away, annoyed. 

"I can't believe you're having a kid," he huffs. "I mean, you're still a kid. I had to yell at you last week for running with your shoes untied." 

Dustin chuckles and pulls away from me. "Seriously, Eddie," he says. "I can't believe you're going to be a dad." 

"Well, believe it or not, it's happening." 

"How is Ripley?" Steve asks, handing me the onesie and clapping me on the back. 

"A little shell shocked, but excited," I say. Everyone settles and we all sit back down in our seats.

"I never expected Eddie to become a dad, first," Lucas laughs, shaking his head. 

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