Mama, Don't Preach

Start from the beginning

"What the hell was that?" I hiss and he moves forward to put the pillow back, joining me by my side. He shrugs and his face is lined with dread. 

"I fucking panicked. I realized about halfway here that maybe not everyone will be as excited about this baby as I am." 

"You think?" I grumble and his face falls as he looks at me. I realize what he must be thinking once the words leave my mouth and I flinch. 

"You're happy, right?" He asks softly and I open my mouth to answer just as my mom re-enters the room with the basket of rolls. 

"You two," she says, pointing at Eddie and I. "Sit, now." 

Eddie and I scramble to our chairs without another word. My mom makes our plates in silence, her jaw set in a hard line and my stomach churns. We mumble our thanks and my mom nods, reaching for her bottle of wine. She pours herself a glass, filling it nearly to the brim and my eyes widen. She takes a hearty swig and sets the glass back down, clearing her throat. 

"What are you two planning to do?" she asks. Eddie already has a mouth full of pasta so I sigh and put my utensils down, looking at her. 

"We are going to keep the baby," I say and she nods, her eyes fixed on her plate. 

"What about school?" 

"We graduate in a few months," I say, looking over to Eddie who nods supportively. "Eddie has been working with a record label in the hopes that they can make something productive with the band. They discussed earlier this week starting show rotations at nearby clubs to build a fan base and to bring in extra money while they work on the album."

My mom nods slowly, but remains stoic. The fact that she hasn't said anything is completely unnerving. 

"I had already applied to Hawkins Community College to get my sports medicine degree. I haven't heard back from them yet, but assuming that I get in, I can go to class in the morning and work in the afternoon. I'll be home before Eddie has to go off to work with the band at night." 

"And what about you and Eddie?" she asks, sniffling slightly but her eyes are dry when she finally drags them up to meet mine. 

"What about us?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. I assumed my explanation would make it obvious that we would still be together. 

"How will you two manage time for one another and a stable relationship with so little time?" she asks, bringing her elbows up on the table and resting her chin in her hands. 

"We will have to manage, mom," I say, a little frustrated with her doubtful tone. "It isn't just about us anymore." 

She runs a frustrated hand over her face and shakes her head. The table grows quiet for a moment. Eddie fidgets at the other end, his food long forgotten. 

"Where will you live?" she asks, looking up at me and my blood runs cold. I sputter slightly, my worst fear coming to life. 

"She'll live with Wayne and I until we can find a place of our own," Eddie says. His voice sounds too loud in my ears, but I'm thankful he finally found the courage to speak as words have left me completely. 

"No," my mom says shaking her head. "I don't want her moving out until you have your own place." 

I look up hastily, my neck snapping as my gaze falls back on her. Her green eyes search my eyes, but I can't place the emotion behind them. 

"What?" she asks. "You didn't think I'd kick you out?" 

I remain silent and my mother sighs, taking another swig of her wine. She turns a little in her chair so she is facing me more fully and I gulp, preparing for the lecture. 

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