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rose pov.

My kings have been getting ready and I have stayed in my room looking out the window just remembering everything that has happened since I came. I was thinking about the war outcome and have decided that if it came to it sacrificing my life for the world for my kings and my kids is a small price to pay. So I sat down on my desk and wrote a letter on a golden piece of paper.

Letter Isabella

Hello Daughter, I'm not sure if I made it in this war but it was a small price to pay to save the world so you and my Grandchild will be safe. I want you to take care of yourself and always follow your heart even as an immortal. I know I promised to transform you but it looks like it will have to be Carlisle. He's a good guy take good care of him, he would do anything for you, my dear. And if you are able please take care of my Kings or visit them sometimes.

I hate for this to be goodbye but I will always look over you and your Daughter. The card I gave you is for you to use as you want you shouldn't have to worry about money for the next century.

I love you, my sweet Daughter, you light up my world I was so alone and there you stood so innocent but filled with life, I'm happy I got a chance to be your Mom.

Ps. always your Mom, Love you. Isabella this necklace is for you I wish for you to give it to your Daughter when she's older, the necklace is special take good care of it.

Love. Mom Rose

Letter Nahuel.

I will miss you Nahuel you made me laugh when no one could im happy to call you my son, I'm sorry I'm not your real mom but that has never stopped me from caring about you. If I don't make it back I want you to follow your heart if that is on this Island or someone else doesn't matters. you are grown up and should follow your heart and travel. I lost so much but I also got so much back. Dear son uses this card you will have enough for a century, I wish this wasn't a goodbye, and I'm glad I meet you.

Ps. I love you take care and follow your heart.

Love mom Rose

Letter Caius.

My dear sweet strong Caius, if I don't make it back I want you to open up and travel, don't give up I know it can be hard but you still have much to live for. I want you to be happy and follow your heart. I love you so much, you and the others have made a home for me. My home isn't this castle my home is in your arms where im safe and happy.

I don't want this to stop your future I want you to Rule like no one else. Please take care of our granddaughter. There is so much I want to say but so little time so I will end this letter with this.

I love you Caius Volturien with all my heart. You are my home, and I wish you the best.

You are a warrior

Love your Sugar

Letter Aro.

My sweet dear happy Aro, I can't tell you how much I will miss your smile and your energy. I feel like I have to explain. I knew this war could go bad so I concluded that sacrificing my life isn't that big of a price for the world, I want my kings my kids and my family to live in peace and not in the shadow running. I tried using it as last resort I did. You don't know how much I dreamed of us all together in my house with kids running around, your son looked so much like you but had my eyes he was smart and energic like you, he loved all the kings. I know this was all a dream but it felt so real.

I want you to keep going, try not to overuse your magic, not everyone's mind is so happy to look into it, try finding another way but most important follow your heart my sweet dear Aro.

I love you so much. Watch over the others. I love you.

Love your mi, Amor

Letter Marcus

I can't even begin to explain how sad I am to leave you behind. My dear Marcus. I would rather sacrifice my life for all of yours so the world you all live in is safe. I put some more books in your library you can read when you return, there is also my old Diary. inside the diary I have a ring with a diamond on it that can transfer you and the other, king, to my house, it's yours to use if you want it. I want you to move on, I know it will never be the same but live and explore. follow your heart.

I love you so much Marcus it breaks my heart to leave. please watch over the others.

Love your Tessora

Letter Jasper

I came into your world and changed everything right now I'm not sure if it was for the best or not. You made me complete, sitting in your arms and listening to you made me feel so safe and loved and that accent I will never get bored with it. I know you will be a great ruler but it is up to you if you want to keep ruling with the other kings. I know I dragged you into it that is why I give you a way out.

You can choose between travelling or finding another family or you can stand with my other mate and rule the world so the world will be peaceful. I will never forgive myself for leaving you all, but my life for the world was an easy decision. Jasper and major you are both the love of my life, I'm happy I got to spend time with you.

Please keep moving I love you Jasper so much.

Love your Darling.

I finished my letters with tears if the fight came to it I will sacrifice myself for others. I heard a knock on the door. and a guard came in. 'My queen its time. ' he bowed. ' ill be there soon.' i answer and the guard was gone I looked at the letter and then at the picture of me with all my mates and the last of me with Isabella and Nahuel. I made sure to take some pictures. My king stood suddenly in front of the door. 'Darling you ready.' Jasper asked while walking into the room the others followed. 'Tessora what is that?' i looked where he was pointing and saw it was 6 letters with names I had just written. 'Just in case I made letters.' I smiled at the letter and felt two arms come around me. ' Mi Amor you will make it back with us.' I let my hand travel to his head and snuggled into him. ' I know it's just a precaution, if I don't make it back please read it.' I said while taking my jacket and walking out the door I knew the kings were studying my letter, they didn't open it but they saw who the letter was for.

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