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Rose pov.

Rose used the silence to think if she should tell or not. ' It was Niklaus Mikaelson, so Bree is perfectly safe. ' While I took my tea to drink, I could see the kings were shocked and the guard scared. ' How are you connected to the Originals?' Caius asked while never taking his eyes off her. ' Well, they are my friends. I have saved them many times or helped them. I do not wish to talk more about it.' When rose looked behind her to see Felix holding back laughter before he asked. ' Did you just frezze Rebekah Mikaelson card ?' Then Rose saw what he meant and laughed with him. ' Well, yes, they did go against my wishes, so I wonder how long she can go without shopping.' They both laughed hard, and Isabella joined.

The kings never stop to be amazed before they hear the phone get a text. ' Now that I have the video Mack, do you wish to see it?' Mack never answered, just stood there he started to think that he was done for no matter what.

Reader pov.

Rose took Isabella with her and sat on aro lap, both girls. It shocked Are but he didn't complain when Rose played the video Marcus caius and some of the guards come forward behind them to see There it played videos of him not only drinking kids but telling a lady their secret about vampires without drinking her. when the video was done, Rose and Isabella went back to their seat. Aro handed Twitch, and he didn't want them to leave.

Aro pov.

'I see you can trick your kings when your queen has to prove otherwise. '  I asked while walking down the stairs. ' Queen? Sulpicia or Athenodora, they're not here.' Mack asked dumb not recognizing aro, and said the queen gave evidence. Aro froze he hadn't talked about the late wives to Rose, yet he saw that even Caius sat there frozen scared. Aro suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. ' If you think that over 3000 thousand years old men haven't had sex or taking a wife or two then your wrong I'm not stupid, along as your not married nor have a woman on the side now I have no problem with either of your past. ' Rose spoke while holding my shoulder and looking at the two other guys, I relaxed right away. Yes, I was married, but that was 50 years ago she left and wanted to travel and maybe find her mate. When Rose said that she went over to Isabella and sat down again, it was like she knew when to step in and back. god, I love her.

Caius pov.

When Mack talked about my x wife, I got scared. I have never been this scared before. I thought Rose would leave without listening. but she understood she said she understood and had no problem with our past. Rose is one awesome woman, I can't wait to marry her.

Marcus pov.

I haven't been married for 2000 years with Didyme Aro's sister but we always were good friends, before she died somehow I wasn't that scared of losing Rose like I knew she wouldn't leave but seeing my brothers so scared made me shaken up.

reader pov.

Aro looked over at Mack. ' If you have not understood yet, Rose is our Queen.' Mack looked over at Rose and smirked. ' A human can't be our queen.' All the kings got mad, no one talks badly about their mate. all three of them were before Mack held him down while Aro took his head off before they burned him. Rose and Isabella were a bit shocked by how fast that went but at the same time happy it was over. ' So are there more trials, or can we take a break, I want some food in Isabella. ' Marcus walked over holding up his hand for both the women which they both accepted. ' We can go to the garden and have a picnic. witch made both women happy. Even the guard was happy.

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