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Rose pov.

Something is wrong I feel a connection but at the same time, I don't, which makes it difficult for me to see if that connection is a mate, family member or something else. I looked over at Jasper unsure if it was him or not just something didn't sit well with me. ' Carlisle, who is the leader at your covern?' Rose asked 'Well it's me' he told me back puzzled. ' Then why do you let the others control you and make a decision? was it you that was okay with moving? well, either way, you will all be punished, not only did you leave my daughter alone but Victoria made a newborn army off 100 newborns something you all would have learned if you watched all the disappearing around forks.' The Cullens were white 100 newborns.

Emmet looked over at Isabella. 'Who helped you with the army?' Isabella was unsure she looked over at Rose. 'the wolves helped me. ' 'There is no way 10-15 wolves can kill 100 newborns.' said Rosalie. Jasper was quite interested in this story. ' Well no, they only were able to kill off 7 if I remember correctly. ' Isabella laughed. ' To think a big bad wolf all the vampire is scared of had problems with taking down 10 newborns. ' Isabella laughed hard clutching her stomach. 'Then how are you alive?' Esme asked. 'I helped' Rose finally said. 'No offence but I don't think one little human was able to kill off 94 newborns. ' Esme snaked back.

Rose looked over at the king they were mad, no one glared at the Queen. ' Do I have to remind you all that you're talking to the Queen?' Aro said with an unusually happy grin. ' I didn't take down 94 I only took down 93 Bree is still alive and living with a friend of mine.' Rose said without emotion. ' Bullshit, Isabella who helped you?' Esme almost growled in anger. ' Rose' was all that came back. ' You know everyone in this room has watched the video of me taking down 93 Newborn alone. I filmed it all since one of my friends is keen on knowing what I have to practice.' Was Rose comeback? 'Is there possible for us to see that video Jasper asked he was so curious he saw that Rose didn't lie he felt her emotion but he was curious about how. ' You have to ask the Kings.' Aro, Marcus and Caius talked for a little before they nodded. ' Well, then let's go to the cinema and watch and movie.' Everyone followed even the guard they had no problem watching it again. Cullens the kings and the two ladies sat in the front row while everyone filled the other rows.

After the Movie.

The Cullens were shocked she did take down them all. The wolf had trouble with 10 and they were 15. 'I'm sorry for my family's action.' Carlisle said. Rose only ignored him and walked back to the throne room. Where Demetri and Felix have picked up Alice and Edward.  Alice looked okay but Edward looked pained and wasn't able to stand on his own. 'Help him.' Esme said but the kings and the ladies walked off to their seats Rose took a coockie and eat. Jasper was on the side and didn't even hug Alice she didn't even bat an eye at him. ' May I ask a stupid question? ' Rose asked the king nodded. 'Who of you are mated and with whom?' Rosalie and Esme almost snorted at Rose but she sat down and waithed for an answer. 'I am mated to Jasper, Carlisle and Esme are mated and Emmet and Rosalie are mates.' Alice said like I was dumb while pointing at each couple. 'Then why?' was all Rose said back the king looked from Rose and over to the Cullens and studied them and after a few minutes they saw what she did.

Aro walked forward. ' Yes, I am wondering the same' was all he said while walking in the ring around them. ' Why what?' 'Well from what I can see is that Rosalie and Emmet are in fact mates. they always have had some contact with each other, I'm a bit unsure one you and Esme as the only contact I have seen are when you came through the door hand in hand. But jasper and Alice's haven't had any contact Alice haven't even looked at him she has been studying Edward and has had some contact with him over time. So I'm wondering the same my dear Queen asked who are mates and who aren't.' Aro finished before he walked back to his throne. 'Alice and Jasper haven't seen each other for four days, for what I know' Isabella spoke. Jasper was shocked they were right he hadn't gone crazy and they don't look like Rosalie and Emmet. 'What are you talking about Jasper and I am Mate we always have been' Alice stomped over taking his hand Jasper only studied her. 'Why are you lying why are your emotion telling me you lying?' Alice tried changing her emotions so he would believe her' im not lying I'm shocked I have been in the dungeon for 3 days.'

Rose walked forward she study both of them. 'you both know that I can find out what you did right?' Alice started to get worried. Rose took her phone and pushed some buttons, 'Rose long time no see.' a woman's voice said. 'Well Hello bonnie, I need a favor.' Rose said back with a wicked smile while never taking her eyes off Alice. 'You can ask me anything no favour needed,' 'I have two cold ones here one of them keeps telling me that they are mates but something is off, I was wondering if you could help me do you have to be here or are you able to do it from there?' Bonnie was thinking for a second. 'I might be able to do it from here but I need to use you,' 'Well ofc what do I need to do' 'get some salt make a sircle and sit in the middle and relax I still have some blood from you here so it should be easily taken over your body for some second to unspell whatever might be wrong.' Rose only nodded Felix had already gotten the salt and made a sircle. Marcus somehow stood up. ' Guards hold down the Cullens no disturbance.' all the guards went forward there were two guards on each Cullens holding them down even jasper but he didn't resist.

Rose sat in the circle listening to Bonnie speaking witch language. 'Stop, stop don't you dare.' Alice screamed and tried to get loose but wasn't able to. Rose's eyes shine Emerald, looking between Alice and Jasper. ' Looks like little Alice has a witch friend that has forced a connection it's black and green telling me someone is controlling it.'  Rose spoke but it wasn't Rose's voice it was Bonnie's. Bonnie/Rose raised her hand talking in witch language for 3 minutes before something gold swirled around Alice and Jasper when the gold went to the string everyone could see the black and green string making it snap. Bonnie/Rose looked over for a secound making sure the bond doesn't come back. 'That should do it.' Rose's eyes turned back and she started to fall Aro was fast to catch her. 'Do you need something food or blood?' Aro asked smugly just thinking about what happened earlier. 'No im okay maybe later' Rose winked at Aro making him chuckle.

Crazy of the Crazy x Volturie KingsWhere stories live. Discover now