Lets learn.

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The girls went to bed while the king stayed and talked about how blessed they had become to finally meet their soul mate after 3000 years. how she was so beautiful, wise, strong, and awesome they never stopped being amazed at the girl they also talked about how comfortable it was sitting around Isabella they liked both the girls and all of them agreed not to go against the rules Rose made they wanted their Queen. The kings were happy and couldn't wait until tomorrow they promised to take the girl shopping after the meetings and trials. Rose and Isabella also wanted to join them so they could just learn more and get to know people and the guard.
While the girls slept the kings made preparations for everything to go without trouble, they were going to wake the girl up at 6 and the trail started at 7 they should be done by 2 or 3, they also had a break at 11. so they make sure that the cook makes a picnic ready for 11 so they can go behind the castle in the garden to relax.
The next day.
Rose heard the knock on the door but only grunted and turned around not ready to wake up when she didn't answer the three kings walked in and sat on the end of the bed talking to the girls in a calming way. Marcus even made tea for them so it would help them get up. ' Rose, Isabella, we hade come with some tea.' Aro spoke softly, looking at the two girls having trouble waking themself up. Isabella was the first up smiling gently at them, taking the tea and sipping it. Rose only rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. 'Rose, didn't you want to see your mates be badass.' Isabella said with interest while Rose flung up and took the tea from Marcus before they saw what happened they were so proud, shocked, and happy that she had some interest in them already, they were a bit scared that they would lose her for almost killing Isabella and Edward but here she was drinking tea waiting to see the kings in action, all of them made a silent promise to them self to look extra good.
They all talked about the day how many trials they and what to do and where to go. 'Well, let's get showered and ready for the day.' Rose spoke up and went over to the closet picking up her red lingering black pants and black singlet, while Bella took white underwear blue pants, and a purple singlet, and made herself over to the shower they had no problems showering together they had done it before.
10 min later
'Let's go my kings' Both the girls giggle while making their way to the door, while the kings if they could blush would be red as a tomato, walked toward them proud that they called them kings. they loved both girls, they loved Rose romantically and sexually, and they loved Isabella in a family father way. Så much has changed since the girls arrived yesterday.

Crazy of the Crazy x Volturie KingsWhere stories live. Discover now