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Reader pov.

Rose and Isabella have joined the kings at the library playing some board games, and having a lot of fun. While Rose and Isabella drank some tea, having fun laughing and playing. 'Rose, what have you planned for the Cullens?' Aro asked eagerly, Rose didn't even lift her eyes she only smirked while Isabella just smiled. ' and how is it that you're not bothered by it, Isabella.' The other kings also waited for answers eagerly. 'I know that if Rose ends up killing them, she does it for a reason, Rose never kills unless it's deserved. She saved me when I was young almost raped and kept saving me we become close, I never really know what she does but I know it's dangerous and that she is awesome at it only proved in the video we watched earlier. ' Isabella spoke with so much confidence for her mother. Until Isabella's stomach rumbled.

Rose giggles. ' I think it's time I make some food for you, isn't it anything you want?' Isabella only shrugged while they all stood up and walked the girls to the kitchen. Normally, a vampire wouldn't have food in the kitchen, but they have some humans living in the castle.' I'll just make some Pasta di pollo al pesto e insalata, con formaggio. ' Rose said while taking out the ingredients. 'You know Italian Rose, while I have no idea what you said, it sounds delicious. ' Rose smiled.' I have been on foot for many years now, so I know most of the language well the most used at least. ' Isabella smiled while Marcus felt like he had an important question. ' How old are you? ' Rose only stared at the man. Did he just ask her age?

Isabella understood right away as she doesn't like to tell others her name. 'Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age?' Isabella giggled while the kings looked guilty, making Rose feel bad for toying with them. ' If you must know I'm 25, I believe. ' The others looked shocked. Yes, they thought she was 20, but she was so mature that they felt like they talked to a wise woman.

Isabella gasped' you can't be you saved me while only 12 years old I thought you were 16 or something, not in a bad way but it's hard to believe that a 12-year-old child fought against 10 grown-up men.' Rose only rolled her eyes. ' If you also must know I have fought since I was five, I had a lot to learn in a short time, so I have travelled around the world to meet people and learned a lot of things.' The aura around them became comfortable as they talked about a lot of things until Rose came and set two plates on the table and went to grab 3 more wine glasses for her kings.

Isabella moaned at the taste of the food, she have never tasted anything better. Well, she has risen have cooked for her before but have never tasted so good food if it isn't Rose who make it. The king smiled in thanks for the wine and sipped on it until their eyes glowed, Rose, ignored it since she knew why and Isabella wasn't scared so they talked and smiled at each other while the kings look at Rose with wonder. She had put some blood drops in the wine for their blood. They craved her and wanted to taste her in another way, but her blood also satisfied them in some ways. It wasn't like they wanted to drink her dry or had blood lust it only made them comfortable and more eager for what was to come.

Pasta di pollo al pesto e insalata, con formaggio. - Pesto chicken pasta and salad, with cheese.

Crazy of the Crazy x Volturie KingsWhere stories live. Discover now