The beginning

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Isabella Pov.
Isabella went back home after Clife diving with Jacob, her best friend after Edward Cullen left me. I'm finally starting to move on from him. He broke up with me, and his whole family left me behind.
I still remember it like it was yesterday, I was lying in the freezing forest with hypothermia and waiting to dead. I had no way home, and as clumsy as I am, I would only make it worse It poured down on me, and many hours later my best friend found me, how I have no idea but I stopped asking questions as she always surprised me. She brought me back home and took care of me before she left again, I have no idea where she lives or what she does for a living but I have her number and we talk often, and we always have.
She saved me when I still lived back home with my mom, I was kidnapped and almost raped but Rose saved me she always does when I need it, it's like she has this radar when I'm in trouble. It's been 6 months since I saw Edward and started to hang out with my friends, which I have been neglecting while being with Edward. it's been 3 months since I have seen Rose. She stayed with me for three months she often went away but always showed back up some hours or days later.
I'm still mad at Edward he left me when Victoria was still after me. He claimed I would be safe from the supernatural if he left me alone, forgetting that Victoria was still after me. I was standing with my old friends from La Push. Old wolf tribe for a generation. In a big clearing waiting for the big fight about to come, Victoria has been making a Newborn army to take revenge for her mate. I'm quite scared this could be my last day, but I can't give up.

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