The fight

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Reader pov.

There in the clearing came 100 Newborn vampires with a lady in red with red hair. Victoria scanned the clearing, stopping on Isabella smiling wickedly, she could finally get revenge. Seeing so many newborn scared them all, there were only 15 wolves and one human against 100 newborns, how were they going to win the fight?

'Well, if it isn't dear Isabella, where is your loverboy.' Victoria called for them looking smug. ' He left me he never loved me he left 3 months ago.' This shocked Victoria, wasn't he her mate? how could Edward leave his mate unattended? She used a minute to come to a decision that she still needed revenge for her mate. ' Well this will make it easier but I must say I hoped he was here looking at you while I killed you slowly, now let's begin' Victoria made the command to the fellow Newborn to start the attack, the vampire started on they're trail but was stopped by a fire surrounding them.

' I can't turn my back to you for one second before someone tries to kill you can I' Rose spoke right outside the fire in the middle of the clearing while looking at Isabella fondly. ' You're here now, you know of vampires why haven't you told me before.' Isabelle screamed with tears running down her. the wolf looked confused they hadn't seen her before. 'Let me handle these and you Wolf stays back and attack the once who get passed me don't come too close tho you might end up in my trap. ' Rose winked while smiling. Rose turned back to the newborn while losing all emotion on her face, looking straight at Victoria. ' You're messing with the wrong human, lady. '

Victoria only laughed she didn't believe one little human against 100 newborns made any difference. Rose only smirked at this she loved when the enemy underestimated her it only made it easier. suddenly, she told someone to call for her. ' You can't fight this alone. Are you crazy what can you do against so many newborns alone.' Rose only smiled.' Take care of my dare Isabella if something happens to her, I will go after you next. Isballe only smiled with tears running down her, she didn't know what Rose could do, but she trusted her more than anyone. ' Good luck.' Isabella called back, only smiling at her dear friend who had watched over her for years. The wolf looked between both women, thinking they were crazy but made sure they were ready for a battle.

Before Victoria could make the command, Rose raised two twin swords, lifting her hand and cutting her wrist on both sides, shocking everyone. She didn't cut deep but enough so that she would bleed out too much but enough so the blood would fall while fighting she wanted to make sure the newborn came after her and not Isabella. Rose wanted Isabella safe. She was too important for her.

Victoria only smiled while the newborn raised forward after Rose while she stood on the side, waiting for her moment to shine. Rose never left her spot, but before she rushed forward, she heard Isabella scream, 'Don't die.' This made Rose only more confident. Before she started to get close to the newborn, she raised both her hands, throwing a grenade on both sides of the army, taking down 1/4 of the newborn. Right after she started to dance with her sword, she was so flexible that no one was able to get behind her she only jumped or slid under them, cutting them in two.

This surprised everyone no human was able to keep up with a vampire and a newborn at that. Rose was human, but she was gifted. While she wasn't a fast runner, she had the best reflex and control of her body. She had a black belt in all the martial arts and had more surprises up her sleeve. about 10 newborns were able to slip before her and went straight for Isabella, but she wasn't scared for her. There were 15 wolves there, and they would be able to handle 10 newborns, and she hoped

Victoria pov.

watching my army disappear in front of my own eyes made me scared. One human, one little human, was able to make so much destruction. there was only 1/4 again of my army, only about 25 newborns, this can't happen. Victoria stared in front of her. Maybe this was her chance to make a run at Isabella before it was over. The wolf was busy with the newborn that had slipped past.

I don't care if I die. I need to take revenge it hurt too much to live without my mate. Victoria flashed forward to Isabella with her hand stretched for her wolf to be busy with the newborn to see. Isabelle stared with the biggest eyes she was scared when she suddenly screamed for Rose.

Rose pov.

I saw Victoria disappear in the corner of my eyes but decided to let her go she trusted the wolf to take care of it, she only had about 5 newborns, when she suddenly heard Isabella scream for me, I didn't turn I only flicked before Isabelle and took the blow from Victoria before I cut her head off. Isabella fell to her knees making the wolf turn to her to see her saved but I stood in her way with blood dripping from me making the rest of the 5 newborns rush to me and the 3 left after the wolf.' You only killed 7 newborns' she laughed before throwing on grenade to the five newborns before they got too close then went to the left 3 people. I easily took down two before Jacob stood over the last one.

'Stop' Rose spoke up, turning to the last vampire since the last Five was able to run away before the grenade hit them. She wanted information. The wolf just looked at her, not quite sure whether to take her command or let the last newborn go. the last vampire on the field looked scared and didn't know what to do her eyes shined red with blood lust but also afraid.

' Tell me who were the last people who got away I want their names but also I want to know why you built an army to Kill Isabella an army for one human sound a bit dramatic doesn't it.' I spoke with so much authority that she wasn't able to defy me. The wolf whimpered back at my tone, and Isabella only looked amazed.

Reader pov.

The newborn let her venom tears fall from her eyes scared she only looked like she was 13-14 years old. ' I don't know their names I only know that Victoria wanted revenge for her mate, the Cullens killed him and she wanted revenge on every Cullen and the human she planned to torture the one who killed her mate and let him watch as his family and mate died.' The girl sobbed.

Rose cut her wrist deep and went over her and raised her hand. ' Open your mouth.' Bree looked shocked but listened. The wolf wanted to protest, but one look at Isabelle made them shut up. She didn't look shocked she only looked amused she knew Rose had a plan she always had. When Bree had got some blood to make her calm Rose took off her shirt before she ripped it up and wrapped both wrists now only in black pants and a black bra, she took her leather jacket on before she turned to Isabelle.

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