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Rose pov.
We were back and getting everything ready for celebrating on Friday which is 3 days from now. I had all but forgotten the letter and everything I lay in my bed relaxing. When my kings came in they had all read the letter and went straight to the fire and burned them. 'Tessora how could you ever think that we will ever be able to keep living without you?' Marcus asked me. 'How selfish to leave us behind I would gladly follow you, sugar' 'MI amor, oh honey we love you so much for that.' ' I would never forgive myself if we lost you Darling' I smiled while getting hugs from them all. ' So you read the letter you weren't supposed to if I came back alive, idiots.' I giggle kissing them all.

'Tessora, I have made it so that the Elite guard will manage the castle for the next three days.' I looked at him confused. ' should we go to Isabella and just have a good time together the next 3 days?' my kings asked me softly. ' I would love to go home with you all and just have fun. get away from everything, have you told the others?' 'yes, sugar they all know they will see us on Friday.' 'then let's pack.' ' Darling we already packed. ' 'Oh' they laughed at me. ' then let's leave right away.'

We all stood together and I teleported to the beach, it was beautiful the sun was going down. I looked and enjoyed the silence and the sun for a minute before I walked up the trail to the cottage- I knocked on the door when Carlisle opened with a big smile. 'Thank god.' was all he said with a big smile as he hugged us all.
we went into the living room. ' where are the kids?' I asked not seeing them. 'Nahuel is out he will be back later and Isabella is in bed.' smiling. 'I expect everything went okay?' Carlisle asked us all waiting for information. 'Yes, we lost 10 good vampires, but others from that it went well almost lost Sugar too.' Caius spoke and I became red with shame and let my head fall. ' Let's not talk about this stuff now, let's relax and have some time together and tomorrow we can talk to the kids. ' I spoke while my head was hanging Jasper feeling my emotions came over and sat behind me so he was now holding me. I let my head fall to his chest and I fell asleep.
Jasper pov.
Rose fell asleep on my chest I was so happy, we had all been so scared when we saw her dying on that field it made us all more protective. 'She okay?' Carlisle asked us. ' Yes she hasn't slept for 1 week, and since she's a daylight vampire she needs rest sometimes.' Aro spoke to his dear friend. 'So how have you all been.?' Marcus put in to change the topic we didn't want to talk about Rose we just wanted to relax in her presence. I hugged her for 1 hour until I carried her over to Marcus where she snuggled into his lap, making us all smile. 'We have all been fine, Isabella has been tired a lot, but that is to expect carrying a hybrid when she's human, Nahuel has been good at taking care of her but also went on Adventure I think he likes this place.' Carlisle said smiling. ' and you?' Caius asked. ' I have been busy making sure they both feed and doing some study in Rose Old Library.' he smiled at the sleeping girl. 'Good I think we will go and rest until tomorrow.' Aro spoke before he stood up everyone followed Marcus and carried Rose we all snuggled up into each other in the room. Just waiting for the next day.

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