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The kings with Carlisle knocked on the door but with no answers, Aro, Marcus, and Caius would let the other two try to wake them up they knew they usually only woke up for tea.
Carlisle walked over to Isabella's side and Jasper to Rose. ' Good morning dear.' Carlisle tried to wake her she only turned around and grunted go away, the sexy devil. Carlisle laughed a little Jasper did the same only to get the same reaction. ' Stop bothering me I dreamed a good dream fuck off.' Both the girls were turned away. ' you need to wake up it will be a long day. but to no answer, they only looked at the other 3 kings who stood close in amusement. ' how do we wake them?' Jasper asked. 'It's easy.' Marcus told them, Jasper didn't believe and they both went to try again only to be kicked away.
Aro, Marcus, and Caius laughed at them. 'If it is so easy why don't you wake them' Carlisle told them a bit annoyed that they said it was easy suddenly Marcus and Aro had tea in their hands walked over and sat on each side. 'Dear your tea will be cold and we have a long day.' They spoke at the same time only for the ladies to snatch the tea from them before they finished talking. Caius walked forward. 'See easy' he laughed. 'So all we need is tea.' they both asked dumbstruck. 'yes' all of them answered.
They all made their way to the throne room after getting some food in them. The guards were ready. Rose and Isabella went to their seats already having tea and cookies they walked over to Demetri and Felix and kissed both of them on their cheeks 'Thank you, my dear.' They both said while walking back, the kings were a bit jealous but knew they didn't mean anything Carlisle didn't say anything as so much was so new for them. Demetri and Felix were on cloud nine as they didn't have romantic feelings for them they craved the recognition of their queen.
Carlisle stood behind Isabella and Rose didn't want that, she rose from her seat. 'sit Carlisle.' She walked over to her throne with her tea and drank. The kings were happy she sat with them they loved her presence. ' Bring in the Cullens but have Esme Edward and Alice restrained. ' Rose spoke up not taking her eyes from her tea. all her kings are proud of their Queen.
Rose looked up at the same time the door opened and in came the Cullens. Esme tried to run for Carlisle, but he was unbothered and rather gave his attention to Isabella they talked low and had some fun. Edward growl. 'Why can't I read Carlisle.' He growls in the throne room. Carlisle was shocked. ' That's because of me I blocked your power. But I have something else planned for you guys. ' Edward was pissed now he can't be one step ahead. Rose walked forward she touched both Alice and Edward's forehead and it glowed. when the glow died down she went back to her throne. 'What did you do.' Alice screamed. Edward was confused what did she do he looked over the room when suddenly it hit him he couldn't read the guard anymore. ' My power is gone.' The kings smiled they had learned not to be shocked by their queen anymore. ' That is correct I took your gift and can either give it to someone else use it myself or destroy it.' Rose smiled at them as she won.
Rose looked over at Esme maybe no she couldn't. Rose walked forward again and touched Esme's forehead and it glowed. ' Well that was a surprise I must say, I didn't know you also had a gift.' Carlisle stood up right away. 'What.' 'Yes, it looks like she has the word of god and manipulation it's quite powerful too, too bad you didn't use it to the fullest. 'How dare you, you have no right to steal others' power and come here as you please.' Esme snarled ' She has every right.' Marcus spoke up. 'She is your queen.' Aro finished. 'I don't believe it's good power in someone else hand but maybe I should save it until I'm in deep shit and can manipulate myself out of it. but then again that wouldn't be as fun.' Rose smiled at the others. She didn't need power she was happy as long as she could save the one she loved she was overjoyed.
Rose decided to try and use her power on Esme. 'Esme Cullen what is the name of your dark Witch'?' you could see how she struggled to keep quiet. ¨Beatrix Darkwood.' she said in a whisper. That shocked Rose. ' But she's dead she can't be alive she would be over a thousand years old.' Rose was shocked and a bit scared Jasper felt it and sent some calming emotion over she thanked him. 'I turned her.' was all Esme said before I snapped. ' Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to turn a Dark witch, do you know what she is capable of, have you lost your mind.? How is it she hasn't killed you yet.? ' Esme smirked. ' I promise to help her when the time comes.' Rose looked at her seriously she decided to use her God's word. 'to what Esme'
Esme didn't want to answer but she had no use holding it in. ' The war she has been preparing for, for thousands of years, she with some werewolves and vampires have got together to overthrow everything to get power over the world. they want to rule it and use the humans as a slave not having to live in the dark any longer.' This was serious. 'Esme Cullen is there anything else I need to know.' Rose used her new power again. 'She's coming for you she has heard about you a few times you have stopped some of her plans making them slower but she is soon ready, she has many powerful beings with her.' Esme smirked. ' I Rose Marie Mikaelson sentence you, Esme Cullen, for high treason.' she was shocked ' You can't you need me.' 'Oh dear Esme you have no idea of what I'm capable of I don't need you, good luck in hell I will make sure it's painful,' Jane and Alec walked forward and cut off her head before they burned her.
Rose was worried. but she needed to keep going. ' Alice Cullen and Edward Cullen, did you know of the upcoming war?' 'No' said Edward and Alice was going to say no but yes came out... 'Alice Cullen, is there something else I need to know that Esme didn't tell me?' Alice tried hard to keep quiet as she fought against the power. 'They are after the Mikaelson they plan to control them. 'Alice Cullen I sentence you to Death for high treason.' Now Demetri and Felix walked forward and cut off her head and burned her. Now there was only Edward left. ' Edward Cullen do you have anything you need to say.' He looked down thinking. 'I'm sorry.' Rose nodded before ' Edward Cullen I sentence you to death for letting humans learn about our existence without drinking or turning that person I also sentence you for trying to go against your queen' Rose finished as she walked back to her chair 'Im sorry Edward rules are rules and you have broken them even when you didn't do treason you still broke on of the most important rule.' Edward nodded before they burned him not cutting off his head.
Rose sat in silence for a few seconds. 'Rosalie Cullen and Emmet Cullen what did you know of these?' Rose used both her power she needed to know if they were telling the truth or not. ' Nothing my queen' They bowed. 'Then you are free to go, you can stay and join the guard as Carlisle will stay here or you can leave and travel.' She finished she was tired and she had only been awake for 3 hours. 'We want to stay and help, our queen. ' They said at the same time. Demetry, show them around and to their room. ' They soon disappeared.
'We're in deep shit it's like my sweet 16 all over again.' 'What do you mean Tessora' ' When I was 16 I had to help Nik with a war against his father and mother they wanted to kill all their kids stopping the vampire for good. it was a long and scary battle we lost many but we won in the end.' Rose leaned on her hand. taking up her phone and dialing. 'Nik no time to lose pack your bag all of you all you care for and your family take them to Volturien right now, bring the Salvatour.' Nik sat in silence ' What happened.' Betrix Darkwood is alive and a bigger war is coming than we have ever been in, I need you to bring the one you care for to us I need to make sure the one I care for is safe.' Rose talked fast ' I explain more when you are here no time to loos leave now.' 'On our way.' was all he responded when the phone call ended. Rose was drumming her hand on the chair she looked over at Isabella compelling something before she pushed some buttons. Then she made a call. 'Hello' 'Hey Charlie I need you to pack the important stuff and leave for the vulturine I have bought your ticket it's ready the plane leaves in 2 hours, I wouldn't ask unless it's important and you know that.' Charlie has been quiet ' Is something wrong with Isabella?' No, but something big will happen and I need you safe please listen I promise to explain when you get here.' 'Okay I'm on my way.' he hung up and packed his bag. 'Isabella is there someone else you care for ?' Rose asked looking at her. She started to think.' Not really maybe Jacob but at the same time maybe not' Rose laughed 'Good I can't stand his smell those wolves smell awful but I will get them ready for war.'
The kings have been quiet from the beginning this was big and they wanted Rose to do her thing while they also were thinking. 'Are you okay dear?' Caius asked. Rose looked over her eyes turned soft with love. ' it will be I hope, I need to make sure the ones I care for are safe and we need to prepare I will have to call for my ancestor for help.' Rose started pushing buttons again. 'Hey' 'Nahuel I need you to pack your stuff and your aunt if you have someone you care for take them with you a big war is coming and I'm sure that they are after you too we need to prepare I will explain all later come to vulturine in Italy I promise you will be safe as I have become the queen' Nahuel was shocked by the news.' We will pack right away.' 'Do you need a plane ticket I can buy them just say how many and where you are?' Rose finished. ' It won't be a problem we will be there tonight. ' Nahuel finished and hung up. She looked over at the kings. ' I need to bring all the powerful people here before Beatrix gets her hand on them that would also mean different creatures.' the kings nodded. '
'Scott I need you to come to Italy Volturien something big is happening and you are not safe to take the one you care for, tell me how many and where and I will buy your ticket. ' Wow chill honey what's going on? ' ' I can't talk on the phone but a big war is coming bigger than ever before and I need you safe before someone else gets their hand on you.'' Okay, we are 5 from Ohio.' Scott told Rose she pushed some buttons and a few minutes later. ' there your plane leaves in 2 hours see you in Volturien you will be able to sniff me out.' Rose ended the call. ' Who was that' Caius asked. 'He's werewolf alfa quite powerful and he's in control and doesn't smell too bad. ' Rose finished Caius nodded.
Jasper walked forward. ' Is there someone else you need to call?.' Rose looked at him thinking . ' yeah maybe. an old friend. ' She finished and started to push some buttons. ' Hello, little devil.' 'Hello, lucifer.' 'To what do I own the pleasure do you miss me already?' Rose sighed. ' Not really but I need you to come to Volturien in Italy. ' Lucifer chuckled 'So now you need me' Rose was mad she lay down on the floor laying the phone beside her. ' No not I just want you safe. ' Rose finished. Lucifer stayed quiet. ' What is happening. ' suddenly it became a serious conversation. ' war is about to happen between the supernatural I can't tell everyone on the phone but I want you safe and I can't protect you from here take the one you care for and come here, only take the people you care for I don't care what they are as long as you care for them but it wouldn't help that the person was strong or something. ' Rose finished making Lucifer chuckle. ' Your wish is my command. ' and then he hangs up. Rose lay there for some seconds before you ask he's my x he's a fallen angel and considered the king of hell. we were good friends and we became a couple until we fell out of it then we stayed friends but I haven't seen him in 3 years I have been too busy.'
The kings wanted to argue but knew she loved them so only said okay. Rose looked at her phone before she turned to Carlisle. ' you might want to call Eleazar and get him here. ' Carlisle was shocked. Rose didn't have the patience right now so she called him. 'Eleazar get you but to Volturien take the ones you care for with you no complaints I will tell you when you arrive see you tonight. ' was all she said before she hung up making her kings laugh at her. 'Are you losing your patience dear. ' she only shrugged.
Rose called once more. 'Hello angel, how are you? ' ' Not good dean not good. ' Dean chuckled. ' what's wrong please don't tell me you are pregnant .' Rose laughed ' No dear I'm not but I need you to take Castiel and Sam to come to Volturien Italy there will soon be a supernatural war the good against the evil the usual.' Rose shrugged. 'And also Dean I have your car.' 'What how.' 'Well one of my mates had it and gave it to me now I have it and I must say it's one of a kind I wanna marry it. ' Dean got serious. 'Don't you dear I'm the one to marry my baby. ' 'Well too bad she's my baby now. 'Rose chuckled. 'Where are you I can buy a plane ticket for you. and also take the one you care for but I will need Sam and Cas at least just tell me how many and where you are and I'll buy the ticket or you can use my secret card.' Rose shrugged. Dean laughed. 'we got it covered I think we will be able to come tonight see you soon sugar.' Dean stopped the call. Rose was swirling around the floor 'Before you ask Dean and Sam are supernatural hunters and Castiel is an angel. ' Rose said sitting up. 'How is it that you know so many and so much.' Isabella finally asked the question everyone was wondering about. 'I travel a lot and seen much and I think I got everyone now. We will win this war I have too much to lose now to give up .' Rose spoke looking at her kings making them melt. 'We will call some covern to my dear we will fight back hard.' Aro said.
All of them went to the library Rose took a nap since there would be many coming and Isbaella followed Isabella slept on Carlisle's lap and Rose snuggled between Jasper and Marcus and fell asleep while the men talked together about everything.

Crazy of the Crazy x Volturie KingsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum