Italy here we go.

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Reader pov.

Alice stole a car, and Isabella didn't comment she only thought about Edward and didn't know what it was to become. She had a feeling this would be dangerous. While thinking about what could go wrong, she didn't know about Voltouri and the law. Edward always shielded her.

Alice raced to the town centre before getting stopped because of the Saint Marcus celebration day, and they all wore a red capes celebrating. ' Bella, you need to take it from here. I can't get closer. Edward will read my mind then, but since he can't read yours, you are the only one to stop this.' Alice spoke fast and in a hurry.' You only have 3 minutes left.' Isabella didn't answer she flung herself out of the car, unsure where to look she ran to the fountain, rushing past people.

After much struggle, she finally reached the fountain, looking distressed. Only 1 minute left, where is he? Isabella's eyes flung around until they finally stopped at him there. He stood in a red cape depressed not taking his eyes up, waiting for the noon bell to ring. Isabella rushed forward with much struggle when the Bell rang making her push harder rushing forward at the right moment Edward stood forward starting to take off his cape isabella reached him pushing him back as hard as she could.

Edward didn't move. ' Edward, it's me. I'm here with Alice. Move before someone sees you.' Isabella rushed, pushing harder. Edward suddenly looked at her, not believing his eyes in his shocked moment, Isabella was able to push him back, saving him in time. They just sat there staring at each other until two men in black capes walked forward. ' The master wants to see you.' ' Isabella, go enjoy the Festival ill find you after. ' No, she will be coming with us,' the other guard spoke. making the air stiff. Edward didn't want Isabella in danger.

Alice walked forward from the shadow.' There is no use in fighting. We will come right, Edward.' Alice tried to defuse it before a fight started. When Edward and Isabella stood up, a new guard came, but it was a young girl with a mean look. ' What's taking so long the master is waiting.' she said in a ruff voice, not having the patience.

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