Secret Tourch

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Reader pov.

'please don't do it mi amor, we can't lose you now. ' Aro spoke up speaking with love and a worried voice. 'Tessera, please don't sacrifice yours for someone else. ' Rose looked over her mates. 'I'm sorry but I have to.' 'Why do you have to please don't.' Jasper finally looked up and spoke. ' I have a feeling that Carlisle is Isabella's mate and not just a mate but a soul mate. I can't let my daughter lose her mate now can I Rose spoke up while looking at her daughter, 'What? Carlisle might be my mate. ' Isabell said shocked walking over to Marcus and sitting on his lap. 'Yes I can't say for sure but for some reason, I have that feeling, Isabella, a soulmate is a wonderful thing, I don't want you to miss out on yours, I will be fine I am strong I have done much worse.' Everyone looked over at her they knew she told the truth but they were worried. 'So one of the originals will be here tomorrow.' Aro spoke up. 'Originals? asked Jasper shocked. ' did you torch one of the originals.' Rose only laughed hard. 'Yes, he was a pain in the ass so I torch him for one year. it was fun I traveled the world while he slept in peace. no one bothered me.' Rose said while laughing Jasper was shocked. 'What are you' he asked finally.

Rose looked at her kings to Jasper. ' Well since you are my mate I might as well tell you My dad was a vampire my mom was a part witch so I'm a hybrid I can live on human food or blood but my favorite is my mate's blood.' Rose smirked making her mate growl it confused Jasper. ' You can drink from a vampire?' ' Yes I can drink from vampire-human animals, and my mates can drink from me since I'm part human.' 'She is delicious you will get hooked Jasper it's like a drug you can't get enough of it turns us on so much.' Aro said back Jasper only nodded still a bit confused so much had happened. 'Jasper I want to make sure I get out tomorrow without any difficulties, so if you have no problem I want to finish our mate bond or I want to cancel it as I need to be on my top and an unfished bond might make me too weak, I won't be sad if you do not want to I understand you don't know me so it's okay.' Rose said while playing with her fingers.

Jasper only looked over at her he didn't know her but he knew enough to love her so why shouldn't he if she was his soul mate how could he resist? 'I would like that Mam.' Jasper's Texas accent came forward turning Rose on making all the four kings growl at her scent. Rose smiled still looking at her fingers. ' We found out that finishing our bond is a bit different I'm sure it can be finished by love too but we finished it by drinking each other blood.' Rose said finally lifting her eyes to look at Jasper. He only smiled and nodded. 'If it is okay I want to finish it tonight with all of you and tonight I want you all to feed on humans so that tomorrow before Nik comes I can drink of you again to be at my top.' Rose asked all the kings. ' we can start right away Marcus spoke up impatiently. 'Guards, take care of Isabella until later.' Aro spoke up making all of the Elite guards show up, Isabella walked up to Rose and hugged her hard before 'Good luck see you later,' 'Let's have night food together before bed, guards if anything happens to my daughter I will personally rib all of your limbs off.' Rose told them all with a wicked smile. The guards bowed and they all disappeared with Isabella.

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