chapter twenty seven - cute

Start from the beginning

"Ti amo, mia splendida ragazza. Sei la donna dei miei sogni." The words roll of his tongue so fucking smoothly.

"You're going to have to talk more Italian, it sounds pretty hot." I state, taking a deep breath, "But what does it mean?"

"I said, 'I love you, my gorgeous girl. You're the woman of my dreams.'" He says.

Oh, my.

"I am?"

"Of course you are." He say, crawling a little closer to me. He gives me a quick kiss before his hand disappears behind one of the pillows. Don't tell me he's going to propose. I don't think my heart could handle that right now.

"I got you something else." He speaks, bringing out a small, blue velvet box.

I can feel my heartbeat quicken its pace. I feel like my heart is going to plop out of my chest, I don't think I can take it.

"Greyson, I'm sorry but-"

"Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring." He assures.

"Still, what if it cost like thousands."

"Price doesn't matter, my love. Anything to get my girl happy." He says and I feel my heart melt even more.

I kind of figured Greyson thought I wasn't ready for marriage. He's completely right and that he can read me so well still shocks me.

He opens the box, revealing two rings.

One has a simply butterfly on it, silver. I like gold jewellery, too, but I think silver suits me better.

The other one is also a silver one, but with a blue crystal instead of a butterfly. It's absolutely gorgeous.

"Greyson, they're beautiful." I breathe out, glancing up at him with disbelief written in my face.

"Do you like them?"

"I fucking love them." I say, grabbing the box to take a closer look on them. But before I can do that, Greyson shows me his hand.

There's a ring on it, a butterfly one.

A matching one with the one he just gave me, but more like a guy type of ring.

"You got us matching rings?!" I exclaim, my excitement showing more than ever. I really love this man.

He nods, his smile still sitting beautifully on his face. He looks so cute.

"Put them on, I wanna see how they look." He says, and I immediately take the rings out of the box.

Greyson has the butterfly one on his middle finger so I put my own on my middle finger as well. I put the promise ring on my ring finger, holding out my hand do admire them even more.

"I love them, my love. Thank you." I smile, placing my hand on his cheek, connecting our lips.

I can't thank Greyson enough. For how much he has been there for me the past few months. I'm so thankful for him and the others in the house.

He's always been there. Basically, a room away.

We pull away, staring at each other. I can't get enough of his eyes. They're really dark, so close to black.

"God, I love you so much." He whispers, leaning his forehead onto mine, "It's you and me. It will be you and me."

It is me and him. It will be me and him. I would like to believe it's going to be me and him. I like the idea of it.

Greyson is my person. He's the first person to make me feel safe. Besides Luca, of course.

I love Luca to death but the love I have for Greyson is different. I mean, of course it is. It would be so weird if I had the same kind of love for the both of them. Okay, that's just weird. No, just no.

Greyson has been with me for the most part when he 'kidnapped' me. Kidnap and kidnap, I can't really call it that anymore. It just sounds creepy.

He never really left me alone and I'm grateful for that. Of course, everyone deserves to have alone time for themselves but it's always good to have someone else by your side.

Because you can't do everything alone. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Luca, Greyson and Mila.

Or anyone in the house. Plus Lili and Haven.

I've never really had the time to talk about Lili and Haven because they came into my life so quickly after the plane crash.

The plane crash was terrible but Lili found me. Her and Silas helped me so much, they don't even know how much they saved my life at that point. They were so nice from the beginning of everything.

I met Haven later on because of Lili. I could tell they've been close since forever, basically.

She was and is a lovely person. God, she looks like a total badass but her heart is made out of pure gold. I swear, she's an angel on the inside.

Everyone in the house is made out of gold. Like everyone.

"I love you more." I whisper back, his lips curving up, "But you already knew that."

"Yeah, and you already know I'm so fucking lucky."

"I wouldn't-"

"With respect, shut the fuck up. Please." He chuckles, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

I keep my mouth shut, biting back a smile. I'm the lucky one. I'm so lucky for even getting this man. I mean, how? How the fuck did I get this man?

I don't have an answer for that but I'll just tell you, I'm the luckiest girl on the planet.

I'm certain of that.

- - -

okay, i think there's one chapter left. I THINK. i don't know, but yeah. i hope you guys have liked this book because i fucking love the new version of it and i think my writing has improved a lot. i'm not the best but i'm also not the worst, in my opinion. anyway, i hope y'all are feeling great today!

please check out my tiktok - @lisasbookss

wc - 1491

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i love you lots, bye. <3

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