Chapter 58

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After Fan Haoting and Cen Jingyan left the Thunder Net barrier, they headed straight for the direction of the thick fog. The speed of both of them is very fast now, and they came to the area with the thickest fog in a short while.

    It was already pitch black in the middle of the night, coupled with the thick fog, I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hands. Electricity flickered between Fan Haoting's fingers, instantly illuminating the ground in front of him.

    "Hao Ting, look!" Cen Jingyan pointed to a few traces on the ground, which should be left after dragging a huge thing, "Could it be Zhuangzhuang and Meimei?"

    "Don't worry, they It's okay."

    Fan Haoting had fed the three pets of Fan's family and drank his blood, and he could feel that the two mutated parrots were only very weak at present, and their lives were not in danger for the time being.

    Fan Haoting waved his palm, and several whirlwinds accompanied by electric current kept dispelling the thick fog.

    After the fog cleared, Fan Haoting and Cen Jingyan could see clearly the scene they were in under the electric light.

    A hundred meters in front of Fan Haoting and the others was a huge mutated tree, and the mist was emitted from this mutated tree. The trunk of the mutant tree is very thick, and it takes seven or eight adults to embrace it to surround it. The mutant tree is gray-brown in color, and the tree is bare without a single leaf.

    Countless corpses hung from the criss-cross branches of the mutant tree, both human and mutant animals. The blood had been sucked dry from the corpses, and they were all shriveled. There are more than a dozen parcels tied with vines under the mutant tree.

    "Strong and beautiful." Cen Jingyan's first reaction was to rush towards the package that was about the same size as the two mutated parrots.

    In an instant, a thick mist filled the body of this mutated tree, and thick and thorny vines rushed towards Cen Jingyan.

    Fan Haoting turned into a giant ax with the lightning power, and stepped forward to defend Cen Jingyan from the vine attack of the mutant tree.

    How could this mutated tree be Fan Haoting's opponent? The originally fierce vine attack was quickly cut off by Fan Haoting, and the fog it released had no effect on Fan Haoting and Cen Jingyan at all.

    The surroundings of the mutated tree are gradually filled with blood, which is the blood that the mutated tree sucked into the body and has not had time to digest. The mutated tree waved vines all over the sky to surround Fan Haoting and Cen Jingyan, and its attacks became even crazier.

    "Xiaoyan, be careful, don't get hurt." Fan Haoting took out a sharp machete from the space and handed it to Cen Jingyan. He swung the huge purple light ax and went straight forward to chop off the mutant tree.

    Cen Jingyan took advantage of Fan Haoting's confrontation with the mutated tree, he swung his machete, chopped off the attacking vines, and quickly ran to the two huge packages.

    Cen Jingyan carefully cut the vine, it was really strong and beautiful.

    Both Zhuang Zhuang and Mei Mei have fallen into a coma, the situation looks a bit bad, Cen Jingyan is extremely anxious.

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