꒰ ͜͡➸ you surprise them for christmas

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rain took the box as he stood, tossing it down on the couch and hugging you tightly.

you let out a quiet cry, hugging rain back and burying your face into the crook of his neck.

"satanas, man," dew sniffed, rubbing his hands under his eyes. "you guys are so cute." the fire ghoul smiled. aether laughed, patting dew's back as rain hugged you even tighter, his breathing shaky.

"thank lucifer you're here.. i missed you so much. i love you so much. satan, y/n, that was awful.." rain whimpered.

"it's okay, raindrop. i'm here now.. i love you too."  you whispered back.

rain nodded, tilting his head and pressing a kiss to your neck.


- you had a family emergency and had to go back to where you used to live.
- but when a level 3 emergency was put in place because of a winter storm, you were stuck at your family's house.
- swiss ended up texting you, telling you that he'd drive on the icey roads to come pick you up because mountain was so miserable.

mountain rolled his eyes as swiss dragged him into the common room. christmas was a day away and you weren't at the ministry, practically making mountain turn into the grinch.

he wanted nothing to do with the holiday anymore. every time he saw a tree or lights strewn about he'd grimace and quickly get as far away as possible. far away as possible usually being his room.

that was until swiss somewhat convinced him that seeing the band ghouls would cheer him up.

"okay- okay, stand there." swiss grinned, standing mountain in the doorway. mountain crossed his arms and looked up, seeing mistletoe.

"oh my satan, swiss, i'm with y/n!" mountain cringed, looking back down, only to see swiss a good 5 feet away from him.

"i know, i know. just close your eyes." swiss smiled. mountain stared at him for a moment before huffing, closing his eyes.

"this better not be some messed up joke, swiss. if i open my eyes and you have some ghoulette dressed up as y/n i'm gonna be really fucking pissed. i don't think you understand-" mountain spoke lowly, getting cut off by the multi-ghoul.

"shut up and kiss your girlfriend." swiss stated. mountain's eyes snapped open, and lo and behold, there you were.

you grinned up at the earth ghoul, tilting your head as you grabbed onto his hands.

mountain sputtered slightly, slipping his hands out of yours and cupping your face, grazing his thumbs over your cheekbones as if to make sure you were real.

"hi, collis." you smiled. mountain just pulled you close, pressing his lips to yours, holding onto your face. you smiled, kissing mountain back as you felt his tail wrap around your waist.

when mountain pulled away he quickly picked you up, making you squeal as he spun you around.

"i love you so much, kara.."

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