Mayfield looks over at her questioningly

"Oh uh i have umm l-life"

"Ooh that's a good sentence what did you do?"
Sinclair questions

"Sinclair.. leave the new girl alone" wheeler says giving her a stern look "Alright kid your in" she says now looking at El. "If she messes up your both out" she says lowly at Mayfield.

After breakfast she took a very awkward shower and she got her job assignment which is the kitchen. Surprisingly the other four girls also worked in kitchen. A burly male guard led the five of them into the kitchen. There was another older looking woman waiting for them in there.

"Morning Byers" wheeler greets the woman

"Morning girls. Who's this?"

"This is hopper" mayfield says

After wheeler told el what to do she drags Buckley over to the freezer snd pins her against it and they starts making out. El glances over confused but continues boiling bags of vomit looking slop. A guard was standing at the door but seemed to turn a blind eye to the two making out against the freezer.

"Ok inmates time for lunch!"

Another guard leads them back to their cell blocks. Stopping at C block for Byers then leading the rest back to D block. They all grabbed their trays and sit down Mayfield seemed to be rushing.

"Why are you eating so fast?" El asked her

"When your done you get yard time"


Mayfield finished quickly and left toward the guard standing near the door. Leaving el sitting their with the others she and Sinclair finished at the same time and left for the yard together.

"Why's everyone so excited about yard time?"

"Because that's when they get to see people from other blocks and the outdoor part is great as i don't have anybody to see"


They walk out to a large concrete pad with concrete walls and a wire roof. The two sit down on a bench and are soon joined by a somber looking Mayfield.

"What's wrong?" Sinclair asked

"She got out yesterday"

"Oh man that sucks"

"Wait..? Isn't that a good thing?" El asked confused

"Not when your in here for life" Mayfield responds

The three of them sit on the bench for a while soon joined by wheeler, Buckley and Byers they all just sit there in silence until they had to back inside. Mayfield immediately walked back into the cell el watched her confused.

"Her girlfriend got out yesterday so she might be in a bad mood be careful" Buckley said to el

The day went by fairly quickly after that they ate dinner and then it was time to go back into their cells. El walked back into her cell to find mayfield laying on her bed reading a book.



"I didn't see you at dinner"

"Wasn't hungry"

El sat down on her bed

"So how was your first day?" Mayfield said putting the book down

"It was fine, i just need to get used to it"

"Your the first new guy to be so calm"

El shrugs " i have a few questions though?"

"Alright shoot"

"Why do we use last names? What's up with Buckley and wheeler? Why is Byers in a different place? How many cell blocks are there? Why didn't you have a roommate before i got here? And what's your first name?"

"Yeah just a few questions" Mayfield responds sarcastically


"The guards call us last names so we kinda just got used to it and call each other then as well. Buckley and wheeler are dating in secret. Byers is in a different cell block she used to be in this one which is how she knows us. There are three cell blocks C, D and B. I did have a roommate but she died.... And my first name is... you gotta promise not to use it unless we are alone."

"Ok i won't use it in front of people. Also what do you mean they died, who killed them?"

"It's max"

"Ooh that's a pretty name"


"So.. your old cell mate"

"I umm they were annoying"


"So i took matters into my own hands"

"You killed them?!?"

"Not purposefully i only wanted to hurt them slightly"

El stared at her

"I get it, i accidentally did something bad too"


"I killed some people"

"Some people??"



"I didn't know what i was doing i was roped in i couldn't-" el rambles

"Ok ok calm down i get it"

The next few weeks went by pretty much the same as the first day except for the fact that El and max were getting quite close. Over the few weeks max had told el everyone's first names though she had told el never to use them, wheelers being Nancy, buckleys being robin, Byers being Joyce and Sinclair being Erica.

After a long day the two had gone back to their cell for the night. Max immediately climbed up to her bunk and opened a bag of chips she had gotten from commissary.

"Want one?" She held one down to El

"Really? Your sharing your food?"

"Yeah i mean unless you don't want it"

"No no I'll take it"

The two sat in silence for a while

"Why'd you actually give me that chip?"

"I dunno i guess i kinda like you"

"Really? You the cool, confident and attractive person like me?"

"Oh so you think I'm attractive now do you" max said smugly

She climbed down from her bunk and sits down next to el. Grabbing her face and pulling her in for a kiss, the kiss soon got turned into a full make out when max pinned el against the bed she slipped her tongue into Els mouth but just as it was getting more heated the lights went out alerting them that they had to go to bed. The two pull apart and sigh max climbs back up to her bunk and lays in bed. El lays in hers not moving yet afraid it would be a dream but it wasn't her and max were just kissing.

"Night El" she heard from the bunk above her

"Goodnight max"

This story is a bit longer than the others, do you guys prefer longer of shorter stories?

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