Wade 'Crybaby' Walker (Fluff)

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You giggled excitedly as the hum of the motorcycle sounded outside.

     Glancing out the window, you saw your boyfriend, Wade 'Crybaby' Walker step off and smooth his slick hair back. He wore a black leather jacket over a white shirt and slim jeans, and combat boots on his feet.

     When he noticed you were looking at him, he winked.

      This guy.

      You two had met when he'd gotten released from jail a few months earlier. He used to date Allison, a Square, but eventually they broke up.

      You were just passing by him one day on the road, in your car. It turned out both of you were going to go to the grocery store to quickly pick up some items, and then you both started talking.

       He was actually very kind and sweet, respectful even. He didn't look down on you for being a Square, or being shy, but he encouraged you to not be afraid of the Drapes. His nickname came from the fact that he could cry a single tear, which, honestly, was oddly attractive.

        You met his gang- Hatchet-Face, Pepper, Milton, and Wanda. They were all surprisingly kind to you, and pulled you out of your shell.

        With your coat on, you raced downstairs, your parents and Crybaby  sitting at the table.
       "I just ask that you be back by ten-thirty. That's me being generous." Your father stated, eyeing Crybaby, before noticing you.

         The Drape nodded, fixing his jacket and smiling when he saw you.

         "Hey, Y/N. You ready?"

         "Yes, I am, Wade. Let's go. Bye, Mom, bye Dad!"

        "Bye Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N), I'll be back with Y/N by ten-thirty." Crybaby promised, waving goodbye as well.

         Once you were out, he helped you onto his motorcycle and got in front. "Hold onto me, darling."

         The hard muscles of his torso was what you felt under his soft shirt as he revved the engine and drove off into the night.

        The air was cool, but you didn't feel cold, not when you were pressed so close to Wade.

        "Thank you for this, Wade." You murmured, and he let out a chuckle. "Anything for you, Y/N."

        You'd only been dating for four months, but you felt like you'd known him forever. Behind his tough exterior, he was a soft person, and valued his family.

         And his gang was his family.

        You guys reached an ice cream shop, and Wade slowed down, parking into a stall before you both got off.

        The bell tinkled as he let you go in first. Inside the walls were white, and the tables were brown. There were about ten customers seated, since it was nighttime and wasn't so hot.

         Wade took your hand, his palm smooth and warm, and dragged you over to a corner table, next to the windows.

         You sat across from each other.

        "How do you like this so far?" Wade asked. He was still holding your hand, playing with your fingers.

         "It's great, thank you Wade. I'll choose the place next time." You replied, giving him a smile. He grinned.

         "I'm glad. Oh, excuse me, we'll order, please." He addressed one of the waiters.

         She was a teenaged perky girl, wearing leggings and a white shirt under a mint green apron. Definitely a Square.  "Yes, what would you guys like?"

        Wade glanced at you, and you said "(Ice cream flavour), please. In a cup."

        She nodded, before turning to Wade. "Rocky road, please. Also in a cup." He stated, and she smiled at you before walking off.

       "Are you warm enough?" You gestured to his leather jacket, which wasn't the warmest thing to wear, considering it would get colder later.

       He smirked cockily. "Of course, because I've got the hottest person with me tonight. And every other night." He wiggled his eyebrows at the last part, making you duck your head and look away from his eyes.

        "You're such a flirt." You retorted. You were glad your skin tone was dark; if it were fairer, people could definitely see you blushing hard right now.

        "You love it." He used his fingers to tip your chin up. "You're cute when you're embarrassed."

         "What would it take for me to get you to blush?" You asked, propping your head on your hands.

         "Try me, honey." He caressed your cheek lovingly. You leaned into his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm.

         "Nothing fazes me."

         "Neither does this." Said a bored voice, and the two of you looked up to see the same waiter, holding your ice creams in both hands.

         What the heck?!

          You adjusted your hair and smiled, thanking the waiter, who simply rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

         "How long do you think she was there?" You asked, digging into your ice cream.

          Wade shrugged, eating his ice cream too. "Don't know, and don't care. But I hope she didn't hear about how I have you every other night." His voice got quieter on the last part, as if he were afraid someone might hear.

          You laughed. "You're blushing."

           "No, I'm not." Wade chuckled, but there was a faint dusting of red on his cheekbones.

          Goddang it, I could cut my fingers on his cheekbones.

         You swallowed your bit of ice cream before adding, "Guess I found something that makes you blush."

          "Touche." Crybaby grinned. "Enjoy, Y/N."

          Once you guys were done, and Wade paid for the ice creams, you both got onto his motorcycle and drove a little ways away to a clearing that overlooked Baltimore.

           He sat next to you on the ground and held you close, kissing the top of your head. "I like your curls, you should keep it like that more often."

           Your hair was naturally curly, but you straightened it most mornings so it would look sleeker. But even then, that was a hassle, so to hear Wade say it, melted your heart.

           "Thank you for the ice cream." You smiled at him, and he nodded gently. "It's a simple date, but you're welcome."

          You leaned your head into his shoulder, looking out at the night city. A quick glance at your watch said it was almost ten, but you didn't care about that.

           "I really like you, Y/N." Wade spoke quietly, and you turned your head up at him.

     His eyes were soft and intense, gazing at you like nothing else mattered.

      "Really, really like you. Just know that."

           Unable to respond, you simply chuckled and kissed him, slowly, savoring the heat from his body, the sweetness of his mouth, the warmth of his hands. "I like you too, Wade. This is a great night."

*I'm trying my best to make these oneshots as gender neutral and racially inclusive as I can. I hope I didn't accidentally offend anyone by doing so!



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